The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,34

concise and easy to explain.

"How I see it is we would understand our packs would always be connected as allies, but whatever alpha takes it over will take charge with my blessing. And since I will have won the pack and all its holdings by challenge, I'm within my rights to do this, and I don't need permission from anyone other than my mate, since Newberry Springs' property and holdings would be considered mine personally." I was pretty sure the Gamma Council knew as much, but it didn't hurt to clarify I wasn't giving away anything rightfully belonging to Lucerne Valley.

"Correct. If any pack members question it, I'll be happy to show them the law pertaining to assets won in challenges." Jared frowned with concern, drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. "My question is, are you sure you want to give it all away? The law states you could place a governing alpha in your stead. I don't know the value of their holdings, but I'd imagine you’re leaving a lot of money behind.”

I sat forward with my elbows on the table, looking around to make sure everyone was paying attention. "I'm absolutely certain I want to. Whoever takes over the second pack needs to have the freedom to do things their way. Some extenuating circumstances involving illegal mining have to be dealt with, and quite a few pack members won't be happy to see the money train go away. I won't ask anyone to put in the work it'll take over there and then tie their hands by making them come to me for permission about every decision."

Elisha spoke up in full agreement, making me proud. "Matt’s right. Whoever takes over Newberry Springs needs the freedom to run it their way. As long as our packs remain allies, we will be happy to let it go. My heart lies here now, even before I met my true mate. I've never been happier than I've been in Lucerne Valley. I want to give our people the choice of which pack they want to be part of and then give each pack the chance to bloom separately while being allies."

"Well, damn. If I couldn't already tell the pair of you were made for each other, I'd know it now." Tucker smiled at me with suspiciously misty eyes. "For what it's worth, you can consider me as an option. As much as I love the West Coast Wolves, I don't know I have the heart to travel without you. And our goal has always been to help those in need, wouldn’t you agree? Sounds to me like a pack out in that desert needs one of us. If anyone else is interested, choose whoever you think is best. I'm simply putting myself out there as an interested party."

Devon tilted his head toward Tucker. "What he said. All kidding aside, I'd be willing to step up for you, Matt. I don't care about what the assets might be worth, although I'm sure future me will be grateful if I'm chosen. But if you need me, I'm there."

When Nick hesitated, Lucian snorted. "If you're interested, now's the time to speak up. Listen, guys, Tucker was right about our moral code. I might want to kick my own ass one day for not jumping at the opportunity, but I'm not offended by you guys offering. Truth be told, maybe it's time we think about settling down. Putting down some roots. If two of us are going to be heading up packs, maybe the rest of us should consider getting a place nearby. Just because I don't want a pack of my own doesn't mean I wouldn’t be down to visit you assholes when the mood strikes. I'm rambling, but I want you to know where my head's at."

We all laughed when Nick jumped up and ran around the table to give Lucian a big hug and a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek. Grunting, Luci tried to bat him away, but Nick held on like Velcro as he grinned at me. "Luci talked me into it, y'all. I'm tossing my hat in the ring too. Now Matt has to draw straws or come up with a good reason why he picked whoever he does, but there you go. Three alpha options, Matt. Have fun deciding."

I was still chuckling when my phone rang and picked it up without looking at the caller ID. Luckily, it was Ash. "Hey there, Matt. Letting you know Copyright 2016 - 2024