Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,67

praying my son sees that and turns away in time."

I grabbed her hand. "What if we can convince Simon to leave his goddess and come over to Lucifer? At least Freddy wouldn't be exposed to the Energy Vampire thing anymore."

CiCi looked up with a frown. "You think that creature will just let Simon walk away? Pah. Why should she? And Simon. He's got everything he's always wanted out there." She took a shaky breath. "When we were together in Paris, Simon would tell me about his dreams of power, to be the leader of the Energy Vampires. You won't believe me, but he can be very charming, very charismatic. I, I loved him. And of course I had no idea what his group really did. It was only later that I heard they took energy from innocent people to feed that monster from the Underworld."

"I'm sure he kept his true face and nature very well hidden so he could seduce you. Am I right?" I smiled sympathetically.

"Of course he did! I was mortal, na?ve. When I became pregnant, he finally showed me what he was really like. He turned his back on me. No explanation. It was as if the love he had professed simply vanished." She began to tear apart her fine linen handkerchief. "I was glad when he left me and my child alone. Oh, he sent money and wanted reports about his son in return, but he didn't try to see him, not while he was young."

"Odd. You'd think he'd be thrilled to have a son." I wasn't really clear on the born vampire thing, though I knew the males could father children.

"It depends, Gloriana." CiCi sighed. "Frederick is a Halfling, you see, since he was the result of a born vampire and a mortal mating. Some Halflings become vampire when they reach puberty. Some do not. Simon was waiting to see how Frederick would turn out. To see if he was worthy of claiming, I suppose." She frowned. "Born vampires are very arrogant."

"So Freddy . . . ?" I figured any information I could get about Simon's family could be useful. Though I'd never involve my friend Freddy if I could help it.

"Is a born vampire. Of course then Simon wanted him. Tried to take him from me." CiCi lifted her chin. "But I'd had time to prepare for him and was not so na?ve. I'd married my count and had his entire family and their allies behind me. I wasn't about to let Simon have my son."

I leaned forward, riveted. "How could you fight him?" CiCi smiled. "I was vampire too by then. And chose my husband wisely. He had enough connections and power to make it very uncomfortable for the Energy Vampires to remain in Europe. That's how Simon and his followers ended up in America." CiCi's dark eyes flashed, then filled with tears. "My dear husband is gone now, killed by an ancient enemy, and Frederick is a man with a mind of his own. When my son decided to come here, I was afraid he was planning to finally get to know his father. What could I do except come with him?" She smiled sadly.

"Let's get Freddy over here and see what he thinks about his father. Since he's been out to the EV compound lately, maybe he'll know if Simon might be interested in switching sides." I clasped CiCi's hand. "Will you call him?"

"Why not? It would be a way for Frederick to have a father, if we could lure Simon away from his goddess. I'd think he'd be tired of always pleasing a demanding mistress, wouldn't you?"

I patted her hand. "My thoughts, exactly. You said Simon moved his crew here from Europe. Does this goddess just pop up in any convenient sinkhole or how does that work?"

"I've no idea, but maybe the boys will know." CiCi put her hanky away and pulled out her cell phone.

I knew the "boys" were her son and his longtime partner, Derek.

"Derek loves Frederick, but hates his new fascination with Simon. Derek is a good man and he knows evil when he smells it. He's certainly not blinded by riches either." She hit speed dial. "I'll see if I can get them over here."

I stepped out to the shop and left CiCi to make her call. I should call Rafe and let him know I'd made progress. Then I'd run upstairs and check on Ray. I'd left the apartment in absolute chaos. What if a Copyright 2016 - 2024