Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,68

council member stopped by to check on Penny? I'd flunk mentoring, big-time. I was thinking about grabbing my purse when Erin waved frantically from the register.

"Glory, you have company." Erin rolled her eyes.

"Glory! Ooooh. I didn't realize till I saw the clip on YouTube that you're the same Glory who used to go with Israel Caine!" Jenny grabbed me and jumped up and down like I'd just scored a touchdown. Three clones of her, only with varying hair colors, squealed and jumped too. Trust me, their boobs didn't bounce.

"Hi, Jenny. These your sorority sisters?" I smiled and reminded myself I had to get along here.

"Yes. Girls, this is Penny's roomie. Can you believe it?" Jenny had her arm slung around me like we were best buds and made quick introductions. The girls squealed again. I swear dogs could hear them in the next county. "Where's Israel?" Jenny looked around like maybe I'd hidden Ray under a dress rack.

"Oh, he's upstairs." Never should have said it. The decibel level rose to shattering-glass range and they surged toward the door.

"And is Penny up there too?" Jenny dragged me with them.

"No! She went to the lab." I put on the brakes and hid my smile at the moans of disappointment.

"I brought her a treat from home. Mom mailed it to me. Maybe I can take it up and leave it for her." Jenny pulled a tin out of her Coach tote. The way it rattled, I figured there were six cookies left in it, max, and the Christmas tin was a dead giveaway that this wasn't a recent care package.

"Give it to me. I'll make sure she gets it." I snatched it out of her hand and passed it to Erin. The werewolf stashed it under the counter and I knew she'd take care of it personally once the girls were gone.

"Has Penny met Israel?" Jenny raised her eyes toward the ceiling, like she wished she had X-ray vision.

"Of course. So embarrassing. She caught him coming out of the shower earlier." Sorry, but couldn't resist. My fledgling needed some points over the so-perfect Jenny and this was just too choice. Jenny collapsed on one of her friend's shoulders and all of them moaned in Penny envy.

"How long will he be staying with you?" Jenny was obviously trying to figure out how to meet Ray. "Penny and I really need to get together."

"Why don't you just call her and meet for coffee somewhere?" I smiled. "Ray's a private person. I'm sure you understand. Rock stars. It's a nightmare the way the tabloids hound us. I never give out his schedule." I gestured toward the three cameramen still lounging around the front of the shop, waiting for me to come out or, better yet, for Ray to emerge.

"Oh, my lips would be sealed." Jenny actually did the old finger-locking-the-lips thing. "It would be so cool if I could meet him, get an autograph. Maybe he could sing for our end-of-year social."

I laughed and walked the girls to the door. "Sorry, not happening. If you were on YouTube, you saw his horrific fall. Ray's still recuperating. That's why he's with me. In fact, I'm going upstairs in a few minutes to check on him. Shouldn't have left him alone this long." I patted Jenny on the back.

"But - " Jenny could see opportunity slipping away.

"So sorry to disappoint you. Maybe I'll get him to sign a few photos or CDs for you. Okay?" I eased them out the door, finally prying Jenny's fingers off my arm. "Bye. I've got to go get my purse. You should call Penny."

I shut the door and headed to the back room. CiCi was just coming out.

"They'll be here any minute." She looked stoked. "I told them to come to the alley door."

"Great." I hoped Ray was okay upstairs, but followed CiCi into the back room in time to hear a knock on the door.

Frederick and his partner were both handsome men. It made me remember Penny's comment about vampire males. Yes, they usually were perfect specimens. What was up with that?

"Thanks for coming, guys. I've got a situation that I need help with. Did your mother explain, Freddy?" I settled on the table while CiCi took my one chair again.

"Something to do with my father? I hope you know I'm cutting all ties with him. I told him that the last time we were out there. I can't take all that Energy Vampire crap." Freddy glanced at Derek. "Derek made Copyright 2016 - 2024