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religious objects. Just to be on the safe side, you understand." Her hands were shaking and she looked around the room. "Are you sure we aren't surrounded by evil now?"

"No, I'm not sure. Hell, they pop in whenever they feel like it." I looked around too. Spyte and Caryon could be anywhere, and I did have a tingling feeling, like I was being watched.

"Relax, Glory, honey. You are being watched, but it's by the good guys this time." The Texas twang had a comforting familiarity that brought tears to my eyes. I looked up and saw a pair of boots dangling from the top shelf behind CiCi's chair.

"Emmie Lou!" I jumped up. Another pair of boots appeared next to hers. "And Harvey! I thought you went to Heaven permanently."

"Gloriana? Are you mad?" CiCi grabbed my arm. "Are they here? The demons?"

"No, look up there." I pointed at the shelf where my ghosts, the two who had haunted the shop for years, had suddenly reappeared. They were dressed in brand-new cowboy duds, matching red-checkered shirts with blue bandannas and white cowboy hats. Their boots were shiny black and they each sported a pair of filmy white angel wings.

"Angels? You have angels to look after you!" CiCi grinned and gave me a hug. "Now that makes me feel better."

"Me too. How did this happen?" I pulled CiCi down to sit beside me on the table.

"Someone up there doesn't like the way you're being bullied by someone down below." Harvey Nutt wore his usual suspenders on his jeans. He popped them, then winced. Guess they were too new to be adjusted quite right. "Anyway, we're here to keep you safe in the shop. We can't leave here, but as long as you're inside, we can keep them demons from doing any of their ugly tricks to you or your friends."

"That's right, Glory gal. They won't be lightin' any fires or hurtin' any of your pals while they're in here, I tell you that. Consider this your safe place. It's the power of goodness and light. Evil don't stand no chance agin that." Emmie Lou hopped down and flew around the ceiling before landing on the chair. "How do you like them wings? Ain't they a doozy?"

I laughed. "Beautiful." She was so tiny, all I could do was grin at her, a hug would crush her. "Thanks, guys. I feel better already. Now let me tell CiCi who I'm trying to get for Lucifer. Maybe you could kind of go invisible and keep an eye on things out in the shop. Okay?"

"Fine. We got your back, Glory, and that's a fact." Harvey snapped his suspenders, muttered a "darn it" and disappeared, Emmie Lou with him.

"All right, Glory, now who is it you want to garner a soul for Lucifer?" CiCi sat back in her chair again. I was glad to see the rosary had been put away.

"Simon Destiny. Do you care if I try to snatch his soul away from his goddess?" I braced myself. I was committed to this, but if I had to lose her friendship over it, I was going to hate it, really hate it.

"Simon?" CiCi pulled out that rosary again. "You have any idea what you're dealing with? Don't be a fool. Touch Simon and the only one going straight to hell is liable to be you."

Chapter Ten

"CiCi, I have no choice. Who else do we know that is totally evil?" I realized that sounded harsh, but the truth was the truth.

"He's the father of my child." Her voice was low and she wouldn't look at me.

"I know that. How does Freddy feel about his father?" I knew Freddy, and he was a fine man, nothing like Simon.

"Frederick's been reaching out to him lately. Which scares me, of course." CiCi looked up, her eyes filled with tears. "I told him not to, but it's only natural for a man to want to know his father."

"Surely he's heard the stories." I threw out my hands. "Hey, one trip out to the Energy Vampire headquarters should convince Freddy that he wants no part of that dynasty."

"Power can be very seductive, Glory." CiCi had the hanky out again. "When I told you that Frederick and Derek were on a road trip? The night we did your exorcism. That wasn't to Houston. They were out there, with Simon, enjoying all the favors the EVs can bestow." CiCi's hands shook. "His father is offering Frederick the world, his world. But it's evil. I'm Copyright 2016 - 2024