Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,65

a swallow. "Or at least I hope he is. I didn't leave him with many resources, but he is a vampire. He might take off anyway."

"Sounds like you have your hands full. With Jeremiah back and this handsome singer there too? What does your Scot think about your helping another man this way?" CiCi peeled at the paper label on her bottle with a scarlet painted fingernail.

"He's actually pretty okay with Ray. It's Rafe, Valdez, he's freaked about. He and Rafe got into it tonight. I thought they were going to kill each other." I drained my bottle and set it aside to recycle.

"Ah, because you were unfaithful with that shifter." CiCi had never approved of my affection for a man who was not vampire.

"Of course. And now Rafe and I are involved again because, uh, CiCi, the demons are back." I hated to get into this. What would CiCi think? I knew she was deeply religious. Don't laugh. A lot of vampires, who were people first, you know, hang on to their mortal values and faiths after they get their fangs.

"Why? We routed that horrid creature, Alesa her name was. And you said demons. More than one?" CiCi set her bottle on the floor. "What have you gotten into now, Gloriana?"

"I didn't get into anything. That bitch Alesa went back to hell bragging about how I held her against her will inside me." I huffed. "As if I wanted her in here." I thumped my stomach. "It was the most miserable time of my life."

"I know, cheri, I still think she is why you had the affair with that shifter." CiCi delicately wiped her lips with a hanky from her designer clutch.

"Well, whatever, I thought I was totally through with all things from hell, but it seems her big mouth got me some unwelcome attention from Lucifer."

CiCi shuddered and crossed herself. "I cannot imagine being discussed by such creatures. What has happened now?"

"Two of his minions came calling and made me an offer. They will give me a reward if I gather souls for the Devil." I sighed. "I refused, of course."

"Certainly you did." CiCi reached forward and patted my knee. "And was that enough for them?"

"Of course not. So they put on the pressure. Gave me an incentive. I can actually see my reflection." I grabbed CiCi's hand and tugged her into the bathroom. "Look!" I stood in front of her and gazed into the mirror above the sink. Oh, I had a smudge of pink lipstick on my tooth. I wiped it away and turned to look at my friend. She had tears in her eyes.

"C'est impossible!" She peered around me, did the hand-waving thing in front of my face, then sighed. "You really do have a reflection."

"I know. Isn't it great? It makes you realize how people are seduced into deals with the Devil." As usual I had to literally tear myself away from the mirror, finally shoving CiCi out of the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Yes, it is the work of the Devil." More frantic making of the sign of the cross and CiCi pulled out a gold crucifix from the bodice of her cream silk blouse and clutched it. "These demons, you must get them away from you. I'm afraid" - she shuddered - "I'm afraid for your soul, Gloriana."

I hugged her, then settled her back in her chair. "Relax. I'm not tempted even one little bit by their caper. But I'm going to have to do something to placate them and send them on their way before they do real damage around here. They threatened Rafe. And I know you don't think much of shape-shifters, CiCi, but he's saved my life more times than I can count. He's a dear friend and I'm going to help him gather at least one bad guy for Lucifer. Someone I figure is already bound for hell anyway. Someone you know, actually." I bit my lip.

Could she still harbor some residual feelings for creepy Simon? I figured the only way she'd ever had an affair with him in the first place had been if he'd been in one of his disguises. In his normal persona, he was about as appealing as a zombie after a hard Halloween.

"Who? Who are you going to try to send to Lucifer?" CiCi rummaged in her purse and came out with a rosary. "I'm sorry, Glory, but you are making me nervous. Ever since your exorcism, I have been carrying around these Copyright 2016 - 2024