Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,53

fans expect it. The ladies loved it." He licked his lips and grinned, finally showing some of his famous charm. "Want a sample? Or should I say a reminder? You seem to like kissing me. And sure I can get it up. Give me a minute and something to work with." He grabbed my hair and wound his fingers in it. "Still wearing those shades? Lose 'em." He used a thumb to send them flying.

"Careful. Those are vintage. And I'm not interested in kissing you. You made a fool of yourself. I hope no one took video of that performance tonight, but I'm betting it'll be all over YouTube by morning. Israel Caine staggering around until he falls off the stage."

"Hey, no such thing as bad publicity. I bet I have a thousand get-well cards and e-mails by the end of the week. Enough to freeze up Facebook." He slid one hand down to my jugular, clearly thinking to take another drink from me.

I heaved myself off him. "You're probably right. Most women are stupid over you. Not me." I rescued my shades. "Can you stand?"

"Don't know. My head hurts like hell. Bring me a drink." Ray tried to sit up but didn't quite manage it.

"Not happening. You're coming home with me and putting some nonalcoholic synthetic in your system." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"You goin' to let me sleep in your bed?" Ray grinned when I swung his legs to the side and tugged him to his feet. " ' Cause that's the only way I'm leavin' here with you, babe."

"Of course, Ray." I didn't hesitate to lie to him. Whatever worked at this point. I slung his arm over my shoulders, relieved that he had enough steam to actually walk beside me to the door. Even enough to make a lunge toward the booze on the kitchen counter. He was still too weak, though, to resist when I kept it out of his reach.

"Can't shift. To, um, dizzy." He leaned on me as we stumbled down the steps. I was glad that Nate really had managed to keep the paparazzi away and the parking lot was deserted.

"This your car?" I nodded toward a black SUV. Good grief, the things were everywhere, obviously a macho must-have.

"Yeah, keys are on the visor." Ray was heavy and he was barely able to shuffle his feet. I was glad to dump him into the passenger seat and buckle him in. He leaned back and closed his eyes. "Head hurts like a son of a bitch."

"I'm sure it does. Remember that the next time you decide to lock lips with one of your fangirls." I said this as I snatched the keys and latched my own seat belt.

"No need to be jealous, babe. Just part of the act." He opened one eye and looked at me. "Usually."

"You are an asshole." I started the car with a roar and reversed out of the parking lot. Ray just chuckled, then groaned, closing both eyes again.

What was I doing taking him home with me? Penny would be there and I shouldn't let him within miles of her. I drove there anyway, alternately worrying about Ray's condition - he seemed to have lapsed into unconsciousness again - and having him around Penny. He was the worst example possible for a new vampire. He was profane, liked to flaunt his hot body and would no doubt do his best to drink his way through my supply of alcoholic synthetic. The first thing on my agenda would be to hide that.

By the time I dragged him upstairs to my apartment, I was almost frantic. I couldn't get more than a groan from him. I blamed his recent diet of alcoholic blood on his poor healing and myself for not letting him take more from Nate when he had the chance. I was relieved when I saw my door ajar, sure I was going to have to drop Ray on the floor to dig out my key.

I kicked the door open so I could shoulder him inside, not even stopping to wonder about the lack of security that easy access implied. I'd just managed to dump Ray on the couch when I realized I was being watched from the kitchen doorway.

"This is interesting."

"Jerry!" I straightened, brushing back my hair, and suddenly realized I'd lost my sunglasses somewhere between the car and the apartment. "I thought - "

"That I'd still be in Florida, taking a break?" He strode Copyright 2016 - 2024