Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,54

over to me, a bottle of synthetic in his hand, and looked down at Ray sprawled on the couch. I hadn't bothered to put a shirt on him and one of his legs had fallen to the floor. He still hadn't moved.

"Well, yes, that's what you said you wanted." I inhaled, savoring his nearness. I'd missed him so much I felt tears pop into my lashless eyes. I hated for him to see me like this. No doubt he'd decide to make the break permanent. And here I was toting around Ray, a man he hated.

"What's the matter with Caine?" Jerry nudged Ray's foot with his boot. "Not dead, is he?" I knew I didn't imagine the hopeful note in his voice.

"No, but he was hurt tonight, during his concert. And drunk. He fell off the stage and hit his head. He needs more blood but I've given him all I can." I put my hand on Jerry's arm, unable to resist touching him. He wore a short-sleeve knit shirt in a deep red that looked wonderful with his dark hair and eyes. My heart leaped at the way he studied me for a brief moment. He frowned when he noticed my lack of lashes, but he was wise enough not to mention it. I wanted to bury my face against his wide chest and just breathe him in. But then he looked away, down to the bottle in his hand.

"Blood. This stuff sure won't do it for him. It's too damned weak." He set the empty bottle on the coffee table with a grimace.

"He took some mortal blood from Nathan but I was afraid he'd get carried away and stopped him, maybe too soon." I couldn't help it. I moved in and slipped my arms around Jerry's waist. I just had to hold on to him. To let him know in a small way that I was only here as Ray's mentor, nothing else.

"Yes, he'd take too much if he could, especially if he'd overindulged in the alcoholic brew. It lowers your inhibitions." Jerry smiled down at me. "And from what I know of Caine, he has damned few of those sober."

"True." I snuggled against Jerry. "I'm so glad to see you. It's been a rough night." I was desperate to ask him why he was here but scared of his answer. It was enough that he smiled at me and kept his arm around my shoulders instead of pushing me away.

"Obviously. Caine needs vampire blood to heal properly."

"I'm sure you're right." I sighed. "I know you don't like Ray, Jerry, and that the feeling is mutual. I don't expect you to . . ."

"Just my dumb luck to show up here when you've got this lackwit on your hands." Jerry put some space between us and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I'm sorry you've had a bad night."

I blurted it out, just couldn't stand it. "Why are you here, Jerry?"

"Because I got to Florida and then wondered what the hell I was doing. I don't run away when I want something." He ran his thumbs up and down my neck, making me shiver. "I stand and fight for what I want."

"And what is it you want, Jeremiah Campbell?" I knew the answer, saw it in his eyes and read it in his mind as he opened to me. My own eyes filled and I trembled.

He pulled me closer until our chests met and I had to look up at him, the gleam in his eyes taking me back centuries to the first moment I saw him, so handsome, so determined to have me.

"You, woman. I want you, Gloriana St. Clair. Any way I can get you. So I'll woo you and win you, by God. Against all comers." He leaned down, kissing my cheeks, my chin, then my lips. He seduced my mouth open to take it completely.

I moaned and climbed his body, trying to show him how desperately I wanted and needed him too. How his words had thrilled me and calmed a terror I'd been feeling ever since he'd left. I hadn't even dared acknowledge it, the awful dread of what life without Jerry, truly without Jerry, would be like. Now I wouldn't have to face it. I clung to him and poured my heart into that kiss.

"Uh, hate to interrupt, but I'm coming through." Penny's voice penetrated the fog that had made me forget everything but Jerry. "Oh, my God! Is that Israel Caine Copyright 2016 - 2024