Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,52

whiff of an exotic type like Nate's really did it for a vampire. I lay on the bed next to Ray and pried his mouth open, no fangs in sight.

"Run your wrist under his nose. Let him get a good sniff." I looked down at Ray's chest. Was he even breathing? He didn't actually need to but I pushed on his sternum to move things along. Nate shoved his wrist under Ray's nostrils.

"Come on, buddy. This is good stuff. Glory's favorite. I hear it's rare and expensive." Nate glanced at me. "I think his nose twitched."

"Yeah, and his fangs are coming down. Brace yourself, this won't be pretty." I winced when Ray latched on to Nate's wrist with a growl, sinking his fangs in deep. Nate shuddered, then reached out and took my hand.

"I can handle it." Nate did hang on to me though.

I watched to make sure Ray didn't take too much and color gradually came back into his cheeks as he drank. When his eyes fluttered open, I wrenched Nate's wrist away from him and licked the wounds closed. Ray made a grab to get the wrist back but I pushed him onto the bed again, my hands on his shoulders.

"Forget it. You've had enough."

"No." He tried to get past me, almost knocking me off the bed.

"Yes." I sat on his chest. "Get out of here, Nate. I've got this."

"You sure?" Nate grabbed his suit jacket, obviously glad to leave Ray in my hands.

"Yes, I'm sure. Does Ray have any more obligations tonight?" I didn't turn around, just stared down at Ray, daring him to buck me off like I could see he was thinking of doing.

"No, he's done. The band is taking a break, like I told you. The roadies will pack up the equipment and it's going into storage until we need it again. I'll handle it all from here. Ray's free and clear until the end of the month." Nate stood at the foot of the bed. "You okay, buddy?"

"No, I feel like shit. Get back here and let me have some more of your juice. I'm hurt, can't you see that?" Ray's voice was rough. Obviously the set had strained his voice.

"No can do. Glory says that's all you need. I have to take her word on that." Nate kept his distance. "As for being hurt? It's your own damned fault. Deal with it."

I dug in my pocket, peeled off my apartment key, then tossed him my car keys. "Could you get someone to drive my car to my place? It's a red convertible. I parked it in the far corner of the lot, almost in the trees."

"No problem." Nate moved to the side of the bed but still out of Ray's reach. "Thanks, Glory. I'll say it, even if Ray won't."

I smiled at him, then turned and frowned down at Ray, who'd made a grab for Nate again.

"Yeah, yeah, it's unanimous, I'm a bad boy. Now get off me, Glory, so Nate and I can have a little business meeting." Ray put his hands on my butt and tried to shove me off. He obviously didn't have any strength and cursed when he couldn't budge me.

Nate strode to the door. "Here's what I'm going to do. I'll take care of the press, spread the story that you're okay, but already on the way to the hospital to be checked out anyway. Should keep the vultures away long enough for you to make a move." Nate sighed. "It's what you'd do if you were human, Ray."

"Well, I'm not human so get back here," Ray growled.

"No, thanks. You about took my arm off. Not exactly eager for a replay." Nate didn't try to keep the anger out of his voice as he jerked open the door.

"Pussy," Ray snarled.

"Asshole." Nate slammed the door and was gone.

"Get off me. Unless you're ready to spread your legs and let me inside." Ray's smile wasn't a bit loverlike.

"Like you could even get it up, hotshot. And no thanks anyway. Right now you're about as appealing as roadkill." I stayed where I was. "You couldn't thank Nate? And we are human, Ray. I'll set Nate straight on that later." I glared down at him. He was obviously in pain so I let my anger go. I reached back to gently explore the back of his head. "Hmm. Hit the concrete pretty hard, didn't you? Admit it. You had it coming, strutting along the edge of the stage like an idiot."

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