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statement of its own. I put my hand over that damned new bulge and tried not to think about how I was going to trek down to the bowels of hell and face off with a three-headed monster. And, trust me, if Simon thought she was hideous, she was hurt-your-eyes ugly. Time for a miracle. But I had a feeling the two angels buzzing around overhead were all the miracle I was going to get.

Chapter Eighteen

Jerry and Rafe hated everything about my plan.

"We're supposed to kill a three-headed monster." Jerry had brought his broadsword, of course. He'd also carried in a sword for me, griping about it endlessly.

"Simon says we have to cut off her heads." I was getting dizzy watching him pace one way and Rafe another.

"Glory, Blade is right. This is insane. And we're sure not taking you with us. Let me call in one of my shifter friends." Rafe stopped and put his hands on my shoulders. "You're staying here."

"No, I'm not. I can go with you or I can follow you, but I'm going. Best way is that we go as a team. And I've got a secret weapon." I pulled a spray bottle out of a bag on the floor. "Penny got these for me. I have three of them. Ian made this formula. If we spray this in a vampire's or mortal's face, it will put him out for thirty minutes. Time enough to get down there and get the job done."

"More madness. You're trusting MacDonald's word that this works."

"No, she's not." Ray stepped into the room from the shop. "I tested it myself. On one of my bodyguards. Worked like a charm." He grinned. "Not that he didn't bitch about it after he woke up. And ask for some for himself." Ray slung his arm around me. "I'm going with you guys. I've got my own spray bottle and a machete. Can't hurt to have an extra pair of hands."

"Are you sure, Ray? How are you feeling?" I looked into his eyes. He looked good, clean and sober. But he could fake his way through a lot.

"I'm fine. And I'm going. I can be just as stubborn as you, Glory girl." He grinned. "And, Blade, quit looking at me like I'm useless. I did a few martial arts lessons. Got some moves I never showed you. Want a demo? This room's a little small, but we can take it out to the alley. The paparazzi would love a shot of that."

"Great. I should have figured they'd show up." I stuffed my spray bottle in my small backpack. We were shifting out there anyway. Now we'd have to go from the roof.

"No, I'm glad for more men." Blade shook his head. "Sorry, Gloriana. But I'm sure you realize men do have more upper-body strength. Not sure you have the power you need to take off a head."

"I admit I've never had to test myself." I wore all black: pants, boots, long-sleeve T-shirt. I'd even tied my hair up with a black scarf. The men were in black too. We were the vamp equivalent of a black ops team. Except without the training on my part. I was nervous, would have bitten off my fingernails if I had any left.

"Ian gave me something else for tonight." Ray patted his own backpack. "Explosives. He's been doing research. Kind of getting off on what we're doing." He gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, but Penny's there and all over this. She knows what we're up to now. Not happy and worried sick. I promised we'd phone as soon as we were clear."

"We will." I hated that she had to know about this. My stomach rumbled. I had to live through tonight, if only to get back out to see Ian and have him fix the swelling, which still resembled bread dough. I tugged down my T-shirt.

"So why explosives? Won't taking her heads do it?" Rafe was antsy and eager to get started.

"Ian thinks closing the hole is a good idea. Just to be on the safe side. And I agree. Why not? You've seen the place. Glory says they even took energy withdrawals from you there. Wouldn't you like to see that gold dome go sky-high?"

"Simon won't like that." I knew he'd be furious.

"I don't give a damn what Simon likes or doesn't like." Jerry pulled me to his side. "I think it's an excellent idea. A reminder to Destiny that we didn't do this for Copyright 2016 - 2024