Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,138

him. But for Glory and Valdez here."

"Yeah. Thanks, all of you." Rafe looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't figure out what.

"Let's go. I want this over with." I led the way out of the shop, wishing we didn't have to go through the gauntlet of photographers. Ray stopped and said something about a music video to explain our costumes before we ran inside the apartment part of the building and up the stairs to the roof.

"Good explanation." I smiled at him as we strapped on everything we needed before we shifted.

"Seemed as good an excuse as any for the ninja look." Ray squeezed my hand. "Last chance, Glory. Stay here. Let us deal with this."

"Not happening." I swallowed my fear, then shifted. We were large black birds because of our equipment, flying off toward the EV compound. We soared into the night, four dark shapes headed into the hills where the isolated headquarters were. In about thirty minutes we saw that gold dome through the trees and were careful to land a few yards outside the cleared area, where we could see a pair of guards patrolling.

Jerry and Rafe pulled out spray bottles and sneaked up to take care of those two, then gestured for Ray and me to come closer. We eased inside the buildings, one at a time, surprising EVs watching TV or reading and even enjoying their famous sunlight room. That one made Ray sigh.

"Man, I wish this was available."

"Maybe it will be once this goddess is history. Simon will owe you." I patted his shoulder.

"Good point. I'll be sure to remind him." Ray tucked his spray bottle in his belt.

"I think there's a mortal here." I nodded toward a bungalow near the back of the compound.

"Yeah, and I hear noises that mean she's having sex with one of our EVs." Ray grinned.

"Great." I made a face. "You take him. I'll take her." We approached the door, stopping to glance inside the window that was open to the cool spring night air.

"Ooo, baby, yes, do that again."

I recognized the vampire. Greg was a jerk who'd once been my boyfriend, pre - EV days. It would be a pleasure to spray him. Too bad I'd given Ray the honors. The woman on her knees in front of him had blond hair that he held in his fist. I don't think she had much choice in the "do that again" thing.

I threw open the door and grabbed the girl, spraying her as she hit the floor. Ray knocked Greg down, but his spray missed.

"Glory, what the hell?" Greg struggled with Ray. "Why'd you Windex my lady?"

"Windex?" I laughed, then aimed my spray at him. I was happy when it put him out. "Let's go, Ray."

We ran outside, meeting Jerry and Rafe in front of the dome.

"We've got them all. Ready?" Rafe pulled out his own machete. Guess he and Ray had the same taste in weapons.

"No, but let's do it. We've got less than thirty minutes of quiet time." I took the sword Jerry reluctantly handed me.

"Gloriana, please let us do this. Stay behind us and only come forward if it looks like one of us is in trouble."

Now I may be all for women's lib, but I know when to be smart. "Fine. I'll be your backup. But, all of you, don't take chances. If she's too much for us to handle, just take off and we'll throw the explosives down the cavern and hope that's enough."

"You said that Simon - " Rafe was very serious as he led the way inside the dome.

"I know. Got to take her heads. We intend to. I'm just saying we can't sacrifice our lives at this point, Rafe. Then where would we be?"

"I get it." Rafe turned and stared at each of us in turn. "Comes to that. I can take my medicine. I mean it. Run like hell. I can stay down here and face whatever. Glory, I don't deserve this." He pulled me to him for a quick kiss. "Sorry, Blade. Had to do that. Now let's go."

Jerry just pushed me behind him and followed Rafe down the path cut into the rocky hole that had obviously been drilled into the floor of the building. I swear I could hear the screams of damned souls as we stumbled down the crudely hewn steps. Rocks broke away and I held on to Ray, who'd managed to get in front of me until I was last in line.

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