Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,136

no sense of where you were. We don't like to lose touch. Progress report."

I decided the less said about my plans the better. Good thing since Spyte was right behind him.

"I told you she had to be here." Spyte swatted at the air around his head. "What is that?" He shoved Cary into the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Hah! Now we can get to work! They've been trying to steal souls in your shop, Glory. Propositioned some of your best customers." Harvey buzzed past Cary, dousing him with his special water, a heavy stream that was way more than his tiny bottle could logically have held. Heavenly magic, of course.

"Son of a - " Cary stared in horror at his gray suit, which now had steaming holes in it. "Ow! Shit! It's seeping through to my skin! What the hell is that?"

"Our secret weapon, lowlife loser. And there's more where that came from." Emmie threw the contents of her bottle in Spyte's face. "Take that, you sugary-smelling sack of horse manure. You've been tormenting her friends. No more of that, you hear me?"

"My eyes! You burned my eyes!" Spyte clapped his hands over them and screeched, bumping into the table and knocking over my chair.

"You tried to get souls here? That is beyond creepy." I moved my chair so it wouldn't be broken.

"They propositioned that sweet clerk of yours. Almost had her too. Had to throw three purses and a blouse to get him to stop." Emmie grabbed Spyte's hair and pulled him toward the door.

"Bastards!" I pressed myself against the wall and tried to stay out of the way. I loved that the demons were getting what they deserved. "Get them out of here, gang!"

"You got it, Glory. Out! Shoo!" Harvey somehow managed to toss the extra rolls of paper towels and toilet paper from my storage closet at Cary. More angel magic. "Leave our Glory and all her people alone!"

"Angels? You've got angels on your side now?" Cary dodged a can of air freshener. "Gag me. You must be disgustingly good." He picked at the hole in his suit and tears came to his eyes. "Premium Italian silk. Ruined."

"Better listen to him, Cary. He's going for the toilet bowl cleaner. Bet that just kills silk." I didn't bother to hide my smile as I threw open the back door. "This way's faster. Scram. Don't ever come in my shop again."

"Lead me out of here, Cary. I'm blind!" Spyte tripped over a roll of toilet paper and now trailed a streamer on one foot.

"We're going. But, listen to this, Glory. You think this is funny? Well, let's see if you're laughing when we haul your buddy Rafael's ass down to hell with us." Cary swatted Spyte's flailing hand away. "'Cause that's the way this is going to be if you don't pony up soon. Clock's ticking. Forty-eight hours and he's gone." He kicked paper towels out of his way. "Oh, not smiling now, are you?"

"Leave Rafe alone!" I got in front of Cary. Maybe I was crazy, but I knew Harvey and Emmie had my back.

"Not possible." Cary smirked. "You? You're off our radar now." He glared at Emmie, who'd landed on my shoulder again. "We wouldn't have you polluting hell on a bet. But that half-demon Rafe? He'll be toast, and I do mean toast, scorched and blackened, if we don't get damned important souls from you in two days' time." Cary screeched as Emmie sprayed him again with her water. Guess instant refills were part of the package.

"Cary! Please! I have to wash out my eyes!" Spyte managed to grab his hand and tugged at it.

"Shut up!" Cary dragged Spyte toward the back door. "You'll be sorry for this, Glory St. Clair."

"Bastard." I stepped out of the way, reached into the storage closet and grabbed the first thing I could find. I glanced at Harvey, who nodded, then just let it fly. A can of Drano hit Cary's back, burst open and sprayed him with white crystals. Caryon paused for a moment, his body trembling with rage.

Spyte whimpered. "What's that smell? I need air. Cary? Are we outside yet?"

"Shut. Up." The two demons vanished.

"We won. I think." Emmie Lou buzzed around, clucking at the paper rolls and the crystals littering the floor.

"Did we?" I picked up the chair and collapsed in it. Cary's taunts left me feeling sick. I leaned back and shut my eyes, not surprised when my stomach decided to growl and make a Copyright 2016 - 2024