Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,135

Ask for what you want from him. Or the demons he sends." I let Simon see that I was being honest.

"You're assuming Honoria can be killed." Simon sighed. "Fact is, she's always surrounded by her army of loyal followers. No one gets past us." Simon smiled now. "The Energy Vampires not only feed her, we are sworn to protect her. Killing her?" He shrugged. "Difficult, but not impossible."

I stopped in my tracks. He was actually interested. "Tell me."

"First, you'd have to lull her to sleep. That means depriving her of as much energy as you can. I can take most of my men away from the compound on some pretext, but I always have to leave at least ten there as an energy source. Sleeping, they don't give her much energy. That would make her fairly listless. That would be the best time to approach her."

"Okay, maybe I can find a way to knock them out temporarily." Ian might have something for that. "So then what? She's taking a siesta. I heard she's down underground."

"Yes, you walk down a steep trail into the bowels of the earth. It's not pleasant, like walking into hell until you get into her chamber. You'll have to sneak up on her, try not to wake her and then cut off her heads."

"Heads?" My voice was a squeak. "How many are we talking about?"

Simon managed a smile. "Three, Gloriana. Three of the ugliest visages you'd never hope to see. As you can imagine, I would gladly take what Lucifer's offering to get away from an afterlife of sex with that creature. Kill her and you'll not only give me my son, you'll free me from that." He stood. "I'll owe you. And I don't say that lightly."

"Wow." I closed my gaping mouth. "We've got to do this soon, Simon. Give me a night to work this out." I glanced at my watch. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet. I'd have to call Jerry and Rafe. Of course they were champing at the bit, not happy that I'd insisted on this meeting without them.

"Tomorrow night I'd planned to take a large contingent of men to a meeting in Houston. If you could do it then, you would have only a small force to deal with. I could put something in their blood supply to slow them down but I don't dare drug them and knock them out completely. It would be too suspicious. Honoria would know if all her energy suddenly disappeared. She can cause quite a disturbance if that happens." Simon ran his hand over his thinning hair.

I swallowed. Tomorrow night. So soon. But we'd waited long enough. I wanted the demons gone. And couldn't risk Lucifer showing up again either.

"Fine." I held out my hand, something I rarely did to Simon. "You promise to sign with Lucifer once this is done?"

"I give you my word." Simon looked me directly in the eyes and took my hand. "You've made it sound like the thing to do."

I felt the shock of his power and suddenly knew the truth of that promise. "All right then."

"I will know when it is done. Many of my powers will be gone." Simon released my hand. "Fortunately, Lucifer can restore them. So you can relax and know I will follow through on this thing to save your Valdez." He stalked to the door and threw it open. "Good luck, Gloriana. You'll need it. And, Gloriana."

"Yes?" I braced myself. Something in his eyes told me the worst was yet to come.

"If she wakes up, don't be fooled by her. She has many tricks. The men with you . . ." Simon shook his head. "They will be dazzled. She doesn't always look like the monster she really is. That is one of her powers. Be on guard." He stared into my eyes for a moment, then quietly closed the door.

"Damn." I leaned against the door and pressed my hand against my heart, which was pounding pretty hard for an undead vampire. Had I lost my mind making a deal with Simon Destiny? Some of my friends would be shocked if they found out. Shocked? They'd haul me off to the vampire equivalent of a funny farm. Not a cool place. Think coffins in basements with keepers who carried stakes in holsters.

I heard a commotion at the door into the shop and ran to open it.

"There you are." Caryon pushed past me into the back room. "I'm getting the strangest vibe tonight. And Copyright 2016 - 2024