Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,104

where a rowdy group of men and women were obviously not on their first round of drinks. Definitely mortal and even tempting to me.

I put my hand on Jerry's arm. "Yes, order something. I don't want to worry if you head to the men's room and are gone too long." I glanced around the packed club and over the railing, where bodies positively seethed to the loud music. A band that had just hit the charts with their latest single was scheduled to perform in a few minutes and there was still a line at the door with people willing to pay for standing room.

Jerry signaled a waitress just as I heard the hum of my cell phone vibrating in my purse on the table. I pulled it out, checked the caller ID, and grinned. "Guess who." I answered the call. "Flo! Where are you?"

"Ricardo and I just got back in town. Where are you? I want to tell you all about our honeymoon." She laughed. "Well, not all about it. But we went to the most beautiful island. Stupendo!"

"Jerry and I just got to N-V." I looked around. I bet two more chairs could fit at our table. "Why don't you come over? The band should start in about thirty minutes. There's going to be dancing."

"On our way. I missed you, amiga." Flo laughed. "Ricardo is frowning. Doesn't want to get dressed. As if he wore much of anything on that island. I'll get him there if I have to drag him by . . . Never mind. He is throwing on clothes. Ciao!"

I was smiling as I turned to Jerry. "You heard?"

"So Flo and Richard are back. Then maybe she can talk you out of this nonsense of helping Valdez with the demons." Jerry had leaned in and spoke softly so that no one nearby could hear.

"Don't start, please. Can't we just enjoy the night?" I touched his cheek. "When you order drinks get the kind with alcohol. I wouldn't mind a little buzz." I looked up when one of Rafe's paranormal waitresses appeared at Jerry's elbow. He placed our order, then stood.

"Fine. Let's dance." The lights had dimmed and the song was a slow one. Jerry gave me a hungry look that made me wiggle in my chair. "I want to hold you. That dress is driving me crazy. I can't wait to see what you have or don't have on under it later."

"Good to know." I smiled at him and held his hand as we walked downstairs. Earlier, I'd watched him get dressed in his dark trousers and white silk shirt. The open throat showed off his strong tanned chest. He looked pretty yummy himself and turned more than a few heads.

Downstairs, I was happy to see Penny dancing with Trey. They held each other close and were obviously feeling some chemistry. Good for her. She needed a guy showing her some appreciation after the humiliating experience with Josh.

Jerry and I danced to two songs before I felt a presence nearby. I turned and Flo grabbed me, dragging me off the dance floor. Richard and Jerry just shook their heads and followed us.

"Tell me everything." I laughed as Jerry went to find someone to bring us two more chairs.

"Aye, Dio. My husband outdid himself. We went to this little island in the Pacific. We had our own private cabana, our love nest. Eh, Ricardo?" She held out her hand to Richard.

Her tall husband looked more than pleased with himself. "It was that. I made sure Florence had some shopping close by too. I know my bride."

"Yes, the sweetest designer boutiques." Flo ran a hand down her size-six body. "You like my dress? My shoes? I got them there." She looked perfect in a copper silk sheath that hugged her curves and ended midthigh. Her heels were designer cages made of three kinds of metal. Only my friend could have walked in them and not fallen on her face.

"You look great." I wondered what Flo would do if offered the chance to see herself in a mirror. What a temptation that would be. But Richard was a former priest and still very into the church. And Flo herself would be horrified that I'd been approached by the demons. She'd been the leader in the exorcism that had finally managed to get Alesa out of me.

I was blocking my thoughts, of course, and glanced around. If Caryon or Spyte picked up on them, would they get the idea Copyright 2016 - 2024