Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,105

that Flo might be open to a deal with the Devil? No, no, no. I felt like making the sign of the cross or something but knew better than to let Flo see me upset.

Flo just kept talking as the table was rearranged, more drinks were ordered and we all settled down. "We were close to entertainment too. I know you can't, but we went gambling and I won! This honeymoon was lucky for me."

"No, I can't gamble, can't even handle a nickel slot machine without trying to pour my life savings into it." I sighed. I have this addiction. One of the reasons I'd left Las Vegas. It had taken twelve steps and years of paying off credit cards to break me of that dangerous habit.

"Well, there were shows in the casinos too. Great entertainment. We had many choices of whatever we wanted to do." Flo smiled and looked at Richard. "Not that we left the cabana all that often."

"Nice job." Jerry slapped Richard on the back.

"I have to say I highly recommend honeymoons. It seems to stimulate . . ." Richard looked up with relief when the waitress arrived with our drinks. "Anyway, if you and Glory want the name of the island. I'll e-mail it to you."

Jerry glanced at me. "It would be nice to get away for a while. Do that."

"You know I can't leave things here. Certainly not my business again. I already took one trip recently. That one to Los Angeles." I looked up when I saw Penny approaching us. "Here comes someone I want you to meet, Flo." I held out my hand. "Penny, this is my best bud, Florence da Vinci Main-waring and her husband Richard. Flo, this is Penny Patterson, a fledgling I'm mentoring for the council."

Richard and Jerry had jumped to their feet, forever gentlemen. Penny grinned at them. "Sit, please. I'm happy to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Mainwaring. I'm living in your old bedroom, Mrs. Mainwaring. Ruining it actually."

"What's this?" Flo looked at me. "And call us Florence and Richard. We may be old, centuries, you understand." She glanced at the tables surrounding us and laughed. "Kidding. But we look young. No?"

"Yes." Penny was checking out Flo's jewelry, which had probably come from yet another boutique. The chunky necklace was obviously one of a kind and very expensive. "Young and very stylish."

"Thank you. I have made it my life's work." Flo put her hand to her dark hair, swept into an updo to show off the matching earrings.

"Trust me, she has. I have the bills to prove it. But I'm not complaining. I get to be seen with her." Richard laughed. "Won't you join us?"

"Well, thanks. But I really need to talk to my mentor. Glory, if you could come down to the employee break room with me for a minute? I hate to interrupt your party, but . . ." Penny squeezed her purse, crimping the leather.

"No, I'll come with you." I got up and grabbed my own purse. "Be right back. I'm so glad you came to me, Penny." I sent Jerry a mental message to come after me if I was gone more than ten minutes. "See you soon." I leaned down and hugged Flo, then Richard. "So glad you're back. Off to mentor." I gave them a wave, then followed Penny. She was obviously upset and this couldn't still be Josh, could it? She'd seemed to be having a good time with Trey.

We hit the door of the employee break room and, with the band scheduled to start in a few minutes, it was empty. Penny collapsed on a gray sofa.

"Jenny texted me a few minutes ago. Josh actually followed your orders. He went back to that party and told everyone I dumped him. She said the guys razzed him and he defended me. Declared I was beautiful and might even be the one for him. But he'd blown it, been a jerk." She had tears in her eyes. "I just can't believe it."

I sat beside her. "Believe it. That's how the vampire whammy works. We can wipe out memories and plant new ones. Mortals are pretty much putty in our hands. We have tremendous power, Penny." I squeezed her hand. "Are you thinking of taking Josh back?"

"No. I can see now that a mortal and a vampire can't work. We're from two different worlds and I'd be too tempted to drink from him, then manipulate his mind." She slumped against the cushions. "But Copyright 2016 - 2024