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room, same area." She closed her purse with a snap. "Meanwhile, all his buds are living it up at the frat house with a live band, no DJ, and open bar. Forget the keg."

"How did you - " Josh winced when Penny jabbed a finger into his midriff.

"Shut the hell up, you lying loser. My sister is going to that party. My twin sister. I thought we'd meet up there. Guess we won't now." She abruptly turned her back on him so that he wouldn't see the tears that suddenly filled her eyes. "I've had enough fun. Let's get out of here."

"Two things you need to do first, Penny." I was still in mentor mode. "Remember?"

"Oh, yeah." She blinked, then turned and grabbed his wrist. He tried to wrench free but it was useless. She sneered, then licked the puncture marks closed and they disappeared. Finally, she sighed. "I really wish he could remember this. The whole lesson."

"Let me take over." I gently moved her out of the way. I stared into Josh's eyes until he was under the whammy. "Josh, you brought Penny to this hilltop thinking to score but she told you off. Told you that she had figured out you were a loser and she could do way better. Then she got a ride home with friends who'd followed her up here so she wouldn't have to waste another minute with you." I turned him toward his car. "Now you're going to get in your SUV and you're driving straight to the frat house. There you're going to tell all your frat brothers and everyone else at the party that your heart is broken because the beautiful Penny Patterson dumped you on your sorry ass. Got that?"

"Penny dumped me? Heartbroken. Must tell all the brothers." Josh nodded and walked to his car. He started it and headed down the gravel road.

"Wow. He'll do it? He'll tell the whole frat that we dated and I dumped him?" Penny was actually smiling now.

"Yes, indeed. Our power of suggestion isn't. A suggestion, anyway. It's a command." I hooked my arm through hers and shared a smile with Jerry. "Now get in the car and fix your face. Jerry and I are taking you to N-V with us. You look too cute to waste it and I want to dance. I bet Trey gets a break sometime tonight and he'll want to dance too."

I gasped when Penny crushed me to her in a hug. "Glory, how can I ever thank you? I thought this was going to be the worst night of my life and you just turned it around."

"The night is young." I climbed into the car and checked my own lipstick in the makeup mirror. What a rush. First time to do that in a car. Jerry winked at me, easily reading my mind. Too bad it reminded me of the demons and that issue yet to resolve.

"Yes, Penny, Gloriana and I have learned that a night can turn to crap in a heartbeat." Jerry patted my knee, then started the car.

"Amen to that, Jer. Amen to that." I sighed and put my lipstick away. It would be too much to hope that we could just enjoy an uneventful night out.

Chapter Fourteen

"It's a good thing you know the owner." Rafe grinned at me as he had one of his shifters squeeze a table into a corner of the balcony. "I wouldn't do this for anyone else."

"And I appreciate it." I saw Jerry slip a tip to the man who put our spot together. "Thanks, Rafe. You sure it's okay if Penny just sits at the bar? It won't get Trey in trouble?"

"No, he's one of my most reliable guys. And he has a break coming up. He seems into Penny, was really glad to see her." Rafe quit smiling as Jerry put his arm around me. "I'll send you a waiter. Got to go."

"Appreciate the table, Valdez." Jerry held out my chair.

"Whatever makes Glory happy." Rafe nodded and headed downstairs.

"Gee, is it chilly in here?" I rubbed my arms.

"You expect me to be friends with the man?" Jerry sat and moved close enough to lean against me. "Never happening. I did thank him. And I can keep you warm if you're really cold. Though the heat from all these mortals is getting to me. We'd better order some synthetic before I give in to my urges that you don't approve of." He looked significantly at the next table Copyright 2016 - 2024