Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,49

hadn’t heard her. She was either going to beg me to continue so that she could come, or beg me to stop so that she wouldn’t, yet. It didn’t matter either way. I was calling the shots, and I was going to do what I liked.

“Raine. I don’t want to come this way.”

“And you have again mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck.”

I barely lifted my mouth from her clit as I spoke, knowing the sensation of my lips gently caressing her, and the warmth of my breath on the sensitive nerve endings, would only drive her wilder.

“Seriously, Raine, I—”

I withdrew my fingers until they were almost all the way out of her, then plunged them back inside her with as much might as I could muster. Her body jerked so hard she levitated from the top of the desk for a few moments.

“Shut up.” Not that I needed to tell her. I was fairly sure that the power of speech had left her anyway.

A moment later—I had no idea how, but quick as a flash—she managed to maneuver herself out of the position she was in and was sitting up again, but this time, a little further back on the desk than she had been before. I was left staring at her knees as she’d jammed her legs shut. What the fuck? Was she some kind of ninja?

“I said I don’t want to come that way. I want you to fuck me.”

Jesus Christ. Why had I thought that she was timid, or submissive, or whatever? She was anything but.

“Be careful what you wish for, Nolan. I’m pissed now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck.”

She stared me down, and I had the overwhelming urge to teach her a lesson. I yanked at the button and zipper of my pants, forcing them down my legs at lightning speed.

“Remember, you asked for this.” I flipped her over hard and fast, so that she was now face down on the desk. Her startled yelp sent another shockwave of arousal to my already rock-hard dick. If I didn’t come soon, I was in danger of splitting the skin clean off of it. Yeah, two can play at the lightning moves game, Little Miss.

I pushed inside her with all my might, again, aroused by the gasp that slipped from her lips. Pleasure? Pain? I didn’t know, and didn’t care. All I cared about was release. I reared back, and then thrust inside her again, finding the energy to shove even harder this time.

Fuck me dead, she was dripping wet, but also gripping me so tight, I couldn’t see straight. She reared up on her hands on the desk and pushed her butt hard into me, and in that moment, there was nothing but white light, and I was higher than I’d ever been.

Chapter 19


* * *

“So, what’s your deal?”

“Hmm... like you asked me before we... well, before.” Before I totally compromised my morals, and everything I thought I stood for, and fell onto your dick. Again.

“There is no deal. What you see is what you get.” He spread his arms out as though to say he was an open book, which was just about the biggest crock of shit I’d ever heard from anyone.

He might have liked to have given the impression that he was this careless, carefree creative coasting through life, not giving a fuck about anything or anyone, and expecting exactly the same in return. But when I looked at him, I saw anything but. I saw someone who was playing a role and presenting a person to the world, because he didn’t want anyone to see or know anything about him other than the curated version of himself that he chose to expose.

“Okay, well, that’s good to know. So, you’ll have no problem telling me why you live in your office, then.”

“I don’t live here. I have an apartment in Greenpoint, and a house in Hudson Valley.”

“Okay, I’m glad that your real estate portfolio is in good shape, but I wasn’t suggesting that you were homeless, just wondering why you’d rather be here than either of those places.”

“Who said that’s the case?”

“You did.”

“The fuck I did. I said no such thing.”

“You’re right. Not in words, but I have eyes. Why the hell would you be here twenty-four seven otherwise? I mean, if nothing else, don’t you want to have sex in a proper bed? Why bring all your ‘friends’ back here when you could

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