Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,48

didn’t move. “I said open your legs.” This time she did as she was told. “Lie back.” She did so without hesitation. Good.

I knelt in front of her and hitched her dress up to the top of her thighs. I was relieved to see that she hadn’t dressed like a nun today. The flirty short floral number looked so much sexier sheathing her hot body, and contrasted against her glowing copper skin way better than the vegetable sack she’d been wearing the day before. Even though she would clearly look sexy in just about anything, I couldn’t say I didn’t appreciate the improvement.

I walked my fingers up her thighs, tantalizingly slowly. As much as it was torture for me to take it so painstakingly slow, I liked the idea of keeping her wanting and needy too, even if it meant cutting off my own nose to achieve it.

When I got to the tops of her legs, I moved my hands up between them, and began massaging her clit through her panties. I could smell her arousal before I’d even touched her, and the scent alone was driving me wild. I contemplated freeing my dick from the confines of my pants and giving myself a helping hand, but decided against it. As much as it was killing me, delaying gratification was a rare thrill, and I wanted to see it through to the end.

She groaned heavily, and lay back further on the desk, squirming slightly.

“Excuse me? Did you need something?” I knew damned well what she craved, but I wanted to hear her say the words.

“Nothing.” Her voice was a low mumble.

“You don’t need anything?” Okay, well that can be arranged. Let me just—” As I started pulling my hands away from her, she pressed them back down with both of hers. She was surprisingly strong, and clearly very motivated to get what she wanted. Perfect.

“Oh, so you do want something. Interesting.” I began massaging her clit again in agonizingly slow circles. She released my hands and settled back down, rotating her hips as slowly as I was moving my hands.


“Yeah?” She didn’t say anything else, but she didn’t need to. Her panties were soaking wet, and I knew she was ready for more. I moved them aside, taking a few moments to take in the sight of her pussy. When I couldn’t handle it anymore, I slowly pushed one finger between her lips.

I needed my dick inside her so badly, yet at the same time, I wanted to wait, and enjoy my just desserts—having her would be a fine reward for a rare display of patience from me. I was the first to admit that patience wasn’t normally a virtue with which I was blessed.

I moved one hand up and laid it on her stomach, pushing down at the same time as the finger inside her pushed upward. She writhed against me so wildly, I thought she was going to explode. I lowered my mouth to her clit and sucked hard. Jesus, she tasted sweet. So fucking sweet.

As her body bucked against me, I sucked harder, and plunged into her deeper, adding a second finger. I loved the way she was thrashing against me. I wanted to make her come so hard, she’d forget her own name, my name, what day it was, and where she was. I wanted her to know how good it felt to come with my finger inside her, and my mouth on her.

I’d saved my trump card for last, having eased the pressure I’d been applying by sucking her hard, instead licking her slowly from bottom to top. The ace in my deck was my tongue piercing. It was barely visible when I spoke, and she might not even have been aware of it when we’d kissed, but one thing I’d been told by various women was that there was no ignoring that little nugget of metal as it ran back and forth over their clit. If the way Noa was moaning and writhing below me was anything to go by, it was hitting the spot for her, also.

My dick was about to fall off. I wanted inside her so bad, but still I kept it zippered inside my pants. I needed some kind of award for the uncharacteristic amount of restraint I was showing, but having fucked her the day before, I knew that, without doubt, it was going to be worth the wait.


She said nothing else, and I carried on as though I

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