Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,50

be somewhere way more comfortable?”

“Here’s plenty comfortable, thank you very much. Besides, even if I was going to fuck somewhere more accommodating, it sure as shit wouldn’t be at my apartment. In fact, that’s the last place I’d ever take anyone.”

“Why? Too scared that if they did, they might get to know you in some kind of meaningful way?”

“What the fuck are you talking about? I wouldn’t bring randoms home, because it’s none of their damned business where or how I live, pure and simple.”

“Fair enough. I guess it would be a bit of an occupational hazard in the types of quantities we’re talking about with you.”


“Okay, so you prefer “entertaining” here. What about the drinking, and everything else?”

“What about it? What is this, the fucking Inquisition?”

“Not at all. I’m just wondering why you indulge as much as you do.”

“Because I can. And I like it. Why do people really do anything?”

“I don’t know about people, but with you, it seems like you’re trying to block something out”

“What the fuck are you talking about? What are you, Doctor Phil or some shit?”

“Not at all, but I have had some experience seeing the signs.”

“Well, maybe you need to adjust your glasses. You have me all wrong. I told you, I drink and do coke, and all the rest, because I like it. I work hard, and I play harder. That’s all there is to it. What’s the point of having what I have, and not enjoying it? I don’t collect art, or cars, or do any of that shit. I have simple needs and tastes. Babes, booze, blow, and a blunt are pretty much it. I like to fuck. I like to get my buzz on. Sue me.”

I raised my hands as though to surrender. “No judgment here, I guess I was just a little concerned, is all.”

“Bullshit. The judgement is dripping off every word. Besides, call it what you like, judgement, concern, it doesn’t really matter. The fact is, you’re overthinking and overstepping. We’re doing some work together. We fucked. Twice. That’s it. We’re not friends, or on a level where we give any kind of a damn about each other. I hate to admit it, but the guys were right about shitting where I eat, it was a fucking mistake.”

“The rest of the exec team? They know about us?”

“Yes, the rest of the executive team. Who else would I be referring to, the Seven Fucking Dwarves? Apart from the fact that your face totally gave the game away, everything I know, they know, so yeah, they’re across this.” He motioned between us. “They warned me off, and I told them to eat a bag of dicks. I should have fucking listened.”

“It’s okay. Forget it ever happened, and that I said anything. It’s not a big deal, and like I said this morning, I should go now that the initial push for the project is over. You can easily carry it on with another creative, or another team. You don’t need me. It looks great, too, if I do say so myself.” I motioned to the materials we’d gathered for the meeting the next day. It really did look great.

The Carlisle client would be certifiable if they didn’t go for it. Not that that was the real issue with the meeting. The real problem was explaining why they couldn’t use the old slogan. How BR&ND had let that happen, and what could be done about it in the longer term.

“Why are we back to this already? I said you’re not going anywhere. Did you sign the damned contract?” HR had delivered it at around 5.00 p.m., as Raine had said they would. I still hadn’t fully decided to go ahead. “No, not yet.” It was easier to lie than tell him the truth, that it was signed and burning a hole in my top drawer.

“What? I wanted it done this afternoon. Why are you holding out on me?”

Gee, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve trapped myself between a rock and a hard place, in a situation I’m not sure if I can handle, nor get myself out of.

What kind of idiot got themselves into a hot mess where they were screwing their new boss-to-be? Actually, where they had screwed their potential new boss. Past tense. I had screwed him. It was stupid and reckless, but I’d come to my senses, and it wouldn’t be happening again.

“I just need a little more time to think about it, that’s all. I mean

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