Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,38

time with Raine, of all people.

And as much as a lot of the chatter in my mind was telling me that a good time with Raine Davies was the last thing I needed or wanted, there was another little voice telling me that it was exactly what the doctor ordered. Literally. I needed to restart my stalled life, including the bedroom side of things. Or, in the case of what I was doing with Raine, the office.

I needed to get out of my head and into my body. I needed to feel things outside my mind. I needed the endorphins and whatever other happy chemicals sex afforded me. Not only that, but I wanted it, and that was possibly the more miraculous and utterly terrifying thing.

I couldn’t recall the last time I’d wanted anyone as much. Let alone a man who was so... well, so… Raine. He was everything I’d never normally want in a guy, on so many levels, it was not even funny. Or, depending on how I looked at it, it was hysterically funny. I still hadn’t made up my mind which.

When the confusion faded from his features, it was replaced by something between a question and irritation. I took a few more moments to get my head straight, then I leaned forward and reached for the buttons on Raine’s shirt. I undid each one uber-slowly, savoring the moment and not breaking eye contact with him.

When I thought about it, his eyes had been the first thing I’d noticed about him. They were a startlingly cool blue. They were also dead, for want of a better word. Something about the way he looked at people made me think he was there, but not present. Not in a ‘lights are on but nobody’s home kind of way,’ but more like he wasn’t engaging with the world.

On the face of it, he was going through the motions, but in reality, he was playing a role, rather than living fully. I recognized the look in him, as I’d been through the same thing myself.

He reached up and smoothed my eyebrows, but didn’t say a word, although I knew what he was thinking, and he wasn’t wrong. I did think too much, even though I was actively trying not to. I somehow couldn’t manage to outrun my thoughts.

When I had all the buttons undone, I tugged the shirt down over his shoulders, and he sat up a little to pull it off completely. Jesus, he had a good body. He was well built—strong-looking and toned, but not bulky. If anything, he was on the slim side, but not excessively so.

I ran my hands over his pecs, causing my body to shudder involuntarily. For all his faults and flaws, I couldn’t deny that he had a strong effect on me, but I couldn’t explain why. I reared up to standing, and stepped slightly to the side of Raine as he sat on the couch.

“Hey, don’t g—” I wasn’t going anywhere, and as he started to sit up, presumably to try and stop me from leaving, I reached behind me and unzipped my simple black skirt and let it fall to the floor.

I was honestly glad to see the back of it. It was so plain and nondescript—really not my style, but I’d been told that for temping, I needed to err on the side of conservative workwear, as I wasn’t sure where I’d be going, and dress codes and cultures were quite strict in some workplaces.

“Oh.” He looked most pleased when he realized that I wasn’t leaving. He reached for me, I was guessing to pull me back down onto him, but I scooted back a little.

“You still have your pants on.” That was definitely not a permanent situation. No sooner were the words out of my mouth than he’d pulled them down and was buck naked in front of me. I should have known that he was the type to go commando. Not that I was complaining. I low-key snuck a look down. He was standing loud, proud, primed and ready for action. He wasn’t the only one. I was nicely wet and ready for him, also.

He stared pointedly at my panties for so long that I gathered that he was giving me a hint that he wanted me to take them off. As self-conscious as I was to be baring myself to him in that way, I didn’t hesitate. I’d come too far for regrets.

He sat back down and grabbed

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