Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,37

have for anyone else, and I was about done. Patience had never been my strong suit, but even less so when it came to women.

The jolt of our bodies together seemed to jar her out of the trance-like state she’d been in when she’d walked toward me, and after letting out a loud, “Oomph,” she pushed back against my chest and stared me down, her tawny eyes unblinking, with laser-like focus.

I had no idea what the fuck was happening, I just knew that I didn’t like it. I mean, what the hell was there to hesitate for so long about? It was one screw, not marriage.

I waited it out. No way was I going to chase her, and if I was honest, it wasn’t just about not spooking her. It was about pride, also. Women came to me, and wanted me more than I wanted them. That was the way it was, and had always been. Damned if I was going to have things change now.

I raised a questioning eyebrow and glared back at her. The fact was that, horny as I was, she was starting to piss me off. More time dwindled by, and just as I was about to push her away from me and tell her to get the fuck out of my office and stop playing games, something shifted. Not just physically, though that did change, because she bent her elbows, and relaxed the pressure she’d been applying to my chest, allowing her head to move toward mine.

But more than that, something about her vibe and demeanor altered almost imperceptibly. She seemed sure. Or ready. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but nor was I about to waste any more time breaking it down further. It was what it was. She was into moving ahead, and so was I. The rest was just noise, and I had enough of that in my own head not to need to add hers too.

I leaned toward the backrest of the couch, and pulled her with me. She didn’t resist, and I knew I had her. As soon as my back hit the aged designer leather, I got to work, untucking her prim blouse from her nondescript black skirt.

“This needs to come off.” I tugged at it impatiently. Any other woman, and I would have just ripped it off her and saved the time in unbuttoning it. But I got the sense she’d run a mile, and I’d never see her again, if I did that. Instead, I reached down and roughly undid the top two buttons, figuring that would be enough to get it off over her head. I was correct, and as I yanked it upward, it slipped off easily.

I looked down at her rack. She was wearing a bra that looked like a jockstrap or some kind of medical bandage. It was beyond plain. Not that it mattered, because I had it off of her faster than I could say, “What the fuck are you wearing?”

Once unleashed, her tits were every bit as perfect as I’d suspected they would be—full, heavy, and infinitely suckable, and fuckable, when the time came. I immediately pulled one pert nipple into my mouth. The force with which her body bucked against me as a result surprised even me. Her tits were obviously sensitive as fuck.

“Whoa baby, I haven’t gotten started yet. You need to pace yourself.” That said, I probably wouldn’t be able to last for hours straight like I could when I’d hit the coke hard, but even without the boost, I wasn’t a “come and go” kind of a guy. I had way more stamina than that.

“This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.”

Chapter 15


* * *

I reached out and placed my fingers to Raine’s mouth.

“If this is going to happen, you need to...” I pressed down on his lips, sure he’d get the point.

He did. He stopped talking, and the look of surprise on this face was just priceless. I guessed he was used to everyone hanging off his every word, or women, at least. And didn’t know how to take it when someone wasn’t interested in hearing him speak.

In this case, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to hear him—though I had to admit that there was an element of that too—it was that with so many of my own thoughts running through my mind, I just couldn’t take on his as well, and still have a good time, or any kind of

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