Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,118

his own weapon, a long spear that with one twist of his hand, extended in size and released a curved blade each side of the spear tip.

“I thought this would be a fitting weapon, considering one similar took the life of your precious Jesus!” He threw it at me as if it would be an insult.

“He is not my precious Jesus, asshole!”

“No, not even after what he gifted you?” he said confusing me, as I had no fucking clue what he was talking about.

“Let's drain that gift of yours for I have no need for her anymore,” he said, suddenly slashing a hand out towards the witch and making her scream as I saw her essence flowing from her suspended body, one now held taut like a bow. He took the power and transferred it into his weapon before coming at me and engaging in battle. I had to say the fucker was quick and he was strong, but this was even more so now that I was lacking my own power, for since the souls had been taken from me, I knew now that it had weakened me significantly.

Hit after hit, nothing got past him! Whereas I could not claim the same for my own body. But then I could also see that Amelia was reaching for the Eye, gathering it up to her chest, and trying to sneak away with it. She would have been successful too, except in that moment another bitch from my past appeared from fucking nowhere! Layla emerged from the shadows and shouted,

“She's trying to get the Eye, master!” Matthias turned around and snarled in her direction.

“YOU DARE GO AGAINST ME, GIRL!” he roared at Amelia, and I knew, despite her powers, she would not have stood a chance against him. However, the moment I went to stop him, he lashed all of his power at me, and I flew back into the rocks, this time the force embedded me far deeper, as I felt bones crack and snap like kindling on impact.

But then I heard her screaming my name, and I forced myself and my broken body out of the hole I had made. The sight that met me made my blood run cold. Because this was when I had to make a decision. One I knew might have been my last. For just as he grabbed Amelia and was about to swing a dagger from his belt her way, I threw my sword towards them both.

Because my aim was not shit, it flew in such a way that it spun in the air and ended up slicing through his arm. One that had been holding her. Being released suddenly, she fell to the ground and dropped the Eye, making it roll towards me.

I made a dash to get to it, but then suddenly an impact threw me backwards, with a force so powerful and painful that it tore through me… literally.

For I looked down at the same time I felt my body falling backwards, when I realised what the cause was. Because now I was looking at his spear, that had now punctured my heart, travelling straight through my chest.

It was a hit I knew I was not coming back from.

Meaning the last thing I heard was my name being screamed in agony and anguish, from the girl that I loved.

Then death made me close my eyes, with only one face in my mind and one name from lips said in prayer…



Becoming Gods


“NO!” I screamed the moment I saw that spear hit his chest and pierce his heart, feeling as if it had been my very own. For it was in that moment that I realised, what Lucius had gone through when seeing me die. It was in that moment that I realised the pain… the fucking agonising pain that was unlike any other!

“And now there is no one left to take their souls from me!” Matthias said with booming laughter, before going back to the Keystone. I knew that I should try and stop him, but what good could I do? I knew I wasn't strong enough, for my power would only be absorbed by him. I needed something more, but there was nothing left!

An agonising cry ripped through me as I ran over to Lucius, knowing that I wanted to spend my last moments with him. But then I was grabbed roughly from behind and I saw it was that bitch, Layla! She was the reason. She was the fucking

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