Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,117

not asking you to break something, just make it look believable,” she said, making me grit my teeth.

“Fine, but I'm not punching you, and nothing in the face… you're too pretty for that,” I said with a smirk.

“Oh, you are so smooth for a guy about to hit his girlfriend… kidding, kidding,” she commented with a wink, and I hung my head with a sigh and let her lead me over to the perfect place. One, so that when she was to fall, he would see. Meanwhile, as we walked past Dom and Keira, she was currently holding a boulder suspended in front of her.

“Now, put that down…! Keira, I mean it, put it down… don't you dare throw… don’t you… dare… fuck!” This ended the moment she threw it and it hit him in the chest, making him fly backwards… the poor bastard.

“Jeez, I really hope they don't need marriage counselling after this,” Amelia commented dryly before getting into position. So, I grabbed her by the top of her arms and whispered,

“You ready?”

“For you, always,” she said sweetly, before screaming in my face,

“DIE VAMPIRE!” I raised a brow at her and mouthed ‘really?’ and she rolled her eyes before I did something I really didn't want to do. I swung around and threw her bodily through the air, knowing that the landing was going to fucking hurt. However, she went flying past the point where Matthias would see and as soon as I saw that she’d hit the rocks, I winced, bunching up my shoulders as if I could feel her pain. The glare she shot me was most definitely not acting, that was for sure.

Then it was time to face my brother, so I let the length of my sword, Excalibur, be summoned to my hand. It had been a long time since it tasted blood, and I swung it around, rolling my wrist as I shouted,


I stepped around the rocks to see just in time as Matthias was spilling the blood he had obviously collected from Keira onto the centre of the box. Then I watched as it started to open up, just like it did that day I discovered how to read the map. Only this time it folded in on itself, spinning and creating a pyramid. It became an exact replica of the Temple of the Titans. Then it started to sink into the ground as if melting, becoming liquid stone.

I knew then, that unless I kept him away from it, we would all be dead. Upon hearing my voice, he snarled at me over his shoulder, before concentrating back on his task at hand. I could see now the rocks starting to rumble, as if something was coming.

I was running out of time.

“Okay, I guess that didn't get your attention, so let's try this.” I released my wings and flew over to where he stood and when I knew I was in position, I folded them in and let myself fall, holding my sword at the ready. I expected to see it slice through his torso, but the moment I was within an inch of him, he spun quickly and grabbed the blade.

“Oh fuck!” I muttered, before he used it to swing my body round and propel me into the rocks. Needless to say, it fucking hurt. However, instead of just letting my body slump to the ground like it almost begged me to do, I shrugged off the hit and pulled myself from the Lucius sized imprint in the stone, shaking the rubble off my wings. At least I managed to achieve one thing… I got the fucker’s attention.

But then, as I got myself ready for another attack, I could see the Keystone was building back up from where the box had unlocked its power. This time becoming something different than when I had sacrificed my hand.

This was the demonic snarling face of Zeus, the son of Cronus, who had managed to defeat the Titans the first time. His mouth was wide open and ready for a willing sacrifice to gain the blood of a Titan. But just as Matthias was about to reach in and gain the power, I threw my sword like a spear and this time it hit its mark, embedding itself into his shoulder. He bellowed with rage and reached round to rip it from his body, for no matter how much armour he wore, my sword would cut through anything.

Then he released

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