Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,116

towards where her mother had just kneed her father in the balls, making him fall to his knees before she kicked him in the face. Amelia winced, but not as much as I did knowing exactly how it felt.

“Oh no, she's actually gone bat shit crazy, vampire zombie style, speaking of which, we don't look like we're winning,” she said nodding to the battle, and I had to agree with her. In fact, we were close to having to fall back, because despite the added help from Carn’reau, what had once been my own forces were just too great of an army set against us. I could see now in the distance the likes of Caspian, charging in his minotaur form, taking out groups of Fae soldiers.

“No, the only chances of us winning are for me to gain back the souls… if such a thing is possible.” At this she winked at me and said,

“Oh, it's possible, and as for our chances of winning, I decided we may need a little help in tipping the scales in our favour.” I was about to ask what she meant when Amelia nodded behind me, and I turned around in time to witness the impossible.


“I knew I said I wouldn't do it, but I felt like I had no choice and besides, they were pretty good about it. They even seemed a little excited… at least, that's what I thought they meant when they started trying to grin,” Amelia said, and I watched in utter awe as a swarm of black ghostly warriors swept over the opposing army, outnumbering them now three to one. Engaging our forced enemy in a never-ending fight, for the Wraiths could not be beaten.

“You're a fucking genius,” I muttered, unable to help myself, making Amelia chuckle behind me. Then I felt her lean into my back, get up on her tip toes and tell me something even better,

“You wanna know the best part?” I looked down over at my shoulder at her and nodded.

“I told them not to kill anyone. All they have to do is keep fighting and keep them busy long enough until we can find a way to get you their souls back.” At this, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I twisted my body and banded an arm around her waist so I could lift her up to my lips. Then I kissed her with so much emotion I felt like I was going to burst.

“You're fucking perfection,” I told her, making her blush, and then she said with a grin,

“I seem to be a lot of fucking good things today.” I nipped at her lip and growled,

“You’re my fucking hero.” She giggled and then I put her down.

“Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, because we still have one big problem.”

“I know, but he will not get my blood.” At this she winced, and said,

“He already has it, don't forget you're not the only one with the Venom of God in their veins, and he already took my mother’s blood.” At this, my gaze shot up to see if he was any closer to opening that fucking box!

“I have a plan, but you're gonna have to trust me.” I looked down at my beautiful Chosen One and told her,

“From now on, I will trust you in anything, for I never should have thought that I could have done this without you.” After this she raised her hand to my cheek and gave me her soft loving eyes, before she reached up, kissed me on my other cheek, then she told me,

“In the words of Han Solo… I know.” Then she patted where she'd kissed, took my hand, and explained her master plan.

“It's time to fight your big brother, and while you do that, I'll get the Eye.” As far as plans went, it wasn't the most elaborate, but nevertheless, I shrugged my shoulders and said,

“Yeah, that'll work.” She grinned at that before telling me,

“Time to see how good your acting is, because you're gonna have to hit me.” My eyes narrowed.


“Come on, you have to make it look believable, we get closer, you then hit me, I fly across the floor, and he pays me no attention, so you start fighting him and then I am free to sneak and get the Eye… you see where I'm going with this, right?” she said with a rush of words.

“Unfortunately, yes,” I conceded.

“Oh, come on, don't be a baby about it, I mean I'm

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