The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,42

He wasn’t even at the house when I left.

His dark laughter echoes around us, sending an icy chill through me. “Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing.”

My hand lands on my hip. “Given I haven’t heard from you in days, it didn’t occur to me that you cared.”

Sure. Antagonize the beast, Gwen. Great idea.

Cole’s nostrils flare as he grabs my arm, jerking me closer. “It isn’t wise to test my patience right now.”

His threatening words draw my attention to his lips, and I forget about everything else for a moment, my mouth feeling a gravitational pull toward his.

The trance is broken as people begin to file outside, and panic floods my veins. I tug my arm free from his hold and take off, my feet only carrying me a few steps before he catches up with me.

He pushes me against the brick wall, planting his hands around me like a cage. “You can’t run from me, Princess.”

Unfortunately, the theater is more packed than I initially thought. People exit in droves around us, their laughter and conversations making me jittery. I tilt my head down, using my hair to shield my face. But it’s all in vain. Cole won’t go unnoticed. He’s in the spotlight no matter where he goes in this town.

“Please,” I plead. “You shouldn’t be here, Cole. If someone sees—”

“Let them fucking see,” he sneers. “They can take a god damn picture for all I care.” He tucks my hair behind my ear, lifting my chin until our eyes lock. “You’re mine. Or did you already forget? Maybe you need a reminder right here and now. Then people will damn sure have something to look at.”

His threat causes my abdomen to quake, my breathing labored as his other hand clutches my hip.

“You don’t understand,” I start. “This isn’t what you think.”

His eyes darken as they narrow, and I jump when his hand slams into the brick wall by my head.

“Oh, it’s exactly what I think,” he seethes. “I’m well aware of your movie date with Cory.”

Guilt knots in my gut. It was never my intention for him to find out, but he doesn’t have any right to be mad about it either. Lord only knows what he’s been doing all week. Or who he’s been doing it with.

“If you care so much, maybe you should stop abandoning me all the time. You never know who might pick up what you left behind.”

He chuckles, his head falling as it shakes. When it lifts again there’s a condescending smirk on his face. “So, that’s what this is about? You’re throwing a fit because I didn’t give you enough attention? Didn’t anyone ever tell you to be careful what you wish for? You have my full attention now.”

“Screw you, Cole.” I shove his shoulder. “Just fucking go. I’m not doing this with you right now. Cory will be here any minute.”

“Yeah, that’s not fucking happening.” He takes my hand in his, tugging me toward the parking lot with him.

His grip tightens when I try to free myself. “What the hell are you doing? Let me go.”

“Afraid I can’t do that,” he chirps. “You’re coming with me. You’ll just have to text your boyfriend and cancel your plans.”

Son of a bitch.

Of all the times for him to pull some shit like this. I’m so screwed. There’s nothing I can do. Fighting him will only bring more attention to us. “You’re un-fucking-believable,” I mumble.

We get to my car and he holds out his hand. “Keys,” he demands.

“No. I’m not giving you my keys. And I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“You can either give them to me or I can retrieve them myself. You’re call, Princess.” His tone is a warning. There will be an even bigger scene if I don’t relent.

“Fine,” I huff, digging them from my front pocket. “Here. Take them.”

He reaches for the keys, taking my entire hand instead. I gasp as he yanks me closer. Then his lips are on mine, his tongue demanding as it seeks out mine. I melt into him, forgetting all the reasons why kissing Cole in public is a horrible idea.

By the time he pulls away, I’m in a fog of desire.

He smirks. The bastard knows exactly what he does to me.

When he opens the passenger side door, I get in without resisting. Then I notice Cory walking toward the theater with a big smile on his face, and reality slaps me in the face.

Fear balloons in my chest as we drive Copyright 2016 - 2024