The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,43

away, and I say a silent prayer that Satan doesn’t find out what happened today.

Chapter Twenty-One



Gwen is sleeping peacefully, her pretty face angelic in the glow of the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom window. I’m careful rolling out of bed, listening for any hitch in her even breathing. She doesn’t stir, so I allow myself one last look before I leave her and tiptoe down the hall.

She was furious when I showed up and forced her to leave with me yesterday. But more than that, she seemed scared. The question was of what or whom.

When I saw the first text messages from Cory, I found it amusing. She blew him off without even blinking. Which is why it was so surprising to see her messages to him yesterday morning.

It’s understandable for her to be pissed at me about dodging her after we had sex, but my head was a mess. I’m falling hard and fast all over again, but that doesn’t mean I trust her yet. Still, it didn’t make any sense for her to go on a date with another guy.

It’s clear she’s not into Cory, anyway. He’s been after her for years. That’s the only reason I didn’t skip work and keep her from even leaving the house. But the closer the time came for her date, the more anxious I became. The whole situation wasn’t sitting right with me.

Camille was surprised when I asked to leave, saying there was something urgent that needed my attention. My work record is impeccable. I’ve never called out once, regardless of how hungover or tired I might’ve been; and that was with knowing I could get away with it. She let me go with a promise I’d return to finish my shift and make up for the time missed.

After I dropped Gwen here, I took her car and headed back to work, so she couldn’t try to take off again. She blasted my phone with angry text messages, calling me every name in the book. Despite her protest, it seemed apparent part of her was relieved she didn’t have to go through with the date.

It doesn’t make any sense. There has to be something I’m missing.

I lock myself inside the guestroom and head straight for my laptop. Gwen has several text message notifications, and I click on the ones from Cory first. She sent him a message on the way home from the theater, with a lame excuse about Mia having an emergency. The guy definitely isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but even he should’ve seen through that bullshit.

Cory: Goodnight, gorgeous.

A goodnight text? Seriously? This dude is so thirsty. If I was sure Gwen hadn’t seen Cory’s messages come through last night, I would delete them.

Cory: I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Ugh. I almost forgot I have to deal with him and this stupid fucking party tonight.

Cory: Maybe we can sneak off by ourselves at some point to make up for the date we missed yesterday.

My jaw tics.

Try it asshole, I dare you.

There’s a flood of messages from Mia as well. The way she is with Gwen makes me wonder if all girls are this nosy and involved with their friends’ business. Arwen and Violet certainly don’t act this way.

Mia: Admit it. You love when he goes all caveman on you.

Caveman? I suppose my behavior can be a little…primal sometimes when it comes to Gwen.

Mia: Damn, bitch. Are you getting laid?

Mia: I so hate you right now.

Mia: You better be able to walk tomorrow.

Mia: And don’t you dare end up sleeping all day! We have things to do. There’s a party to get ready for.

Mia: I don’t care how dick dizzy you are. We’re sticking to the plan.

I laugh. Her best friend is a little crazy, but I like that about Mia. It’s nice to know she’s been saying good things about me when it comes to that department. Gwen wasn’t getting dick dizzy last night, though. She was already asleep by the time I got back from work. Per usual, I quickly snuck into her room and slept with my arms around her.

When I get to the last batch of messages, unease settles in my gut. The contact is saved as Satan.

The messages are pictures of us outside the movie theater yesterday. One where I have her pinned to the wall. And one of me kissing her in the parking lot.

What the fuck?

Gwen’s concern about someone seeing us together doesn’t seem like mere paranoia anymore. Who Copyright 2016 - 2024