The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,41

never agreed to anything. This was forced upon me. Refusing to break Cole’s heart would’ve meant destroying his world. I couldn’t do that to him.

Me: No. Nothing has changed. There’s nothing going on with Cole.

That’s definitely a lie. I may not be sure exactly what is happening between us, but it’s so much more than nothing. If it gets out that we slept together…

How many clicks of the trigger do you have left before this entire thing blows up on you, Gwen?

Satan: Make sure it stays that way.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I go to my bedroom, pacing in there before I delete the messages, then I drop my phone on the bed like it’s on fire.

My heart thumps angrily in my chest, my mind scrambling for a solution. I’ve got to find a way to fix my mess. Satan needs to believe I’m staying away from Cole or…

God, I can’t even stomach finishing that thought.

There’s one way I could convince people nothing has changed with Cole. If they think I’m dating someone else, no one will question things with him. It feels a little wrong to use someone that way. And I’m not sure what Cole will do if he finds out. But I can’t see another way around this. I need to act fast.

My shaky hands pick my phone back up, scrolling to find my newest contact.

Me: Still want to catch a movie today?

Cory: Hell yes!

Guilt gnaws at my gut. Cory has been trying to get me to go on a date with him for years. This isn’t right. It’s cruel. He deserves better.

Me: What do you want to see?

Cory: Whatever you want, darlin. I won’t be able to focus on the movie with you next to me.


This is a bad idea.

Me: Let me look and see what’s playing.

I open my web browser and search Fandango. There’s a movie based off one of my favorite books I’ve been wanting to see. It’s totally a chick flick, but Cory did tell me to pick. And they have a show that starts at two, which is perfect.

Me: Until starts at two. Does that work for you?

Cory: Absolutely. What time should I pick you up?

Shit. That hadn’t even occurred to me. Cory can’t come here. I have no clue what Cole will be doing today. The last thing I need is for him to find out I’m going on a date with Cory.

Me: Actually. I’ll meet you out front. 1:30?

Cory: Can’t wait, gorgeous.

Oh, Jesus. If Cole only knew the lengths I’ve gone in order to protect him. This is going to be a nightmare, but it’ll be totally worth it if it gets Satan off my back.

The clock on my dashboard tells me it’s about quarter after one when I park my car outside of the theater. I still have fifteen minutes until I’m supposed to meet Cory, but I’m always early for everything. I’d sooner stay home before showing up late.

The place doesn’t seem to be too crowded. Normally I’d be thrilled not having to deal with a packed theater. But the larger the number of people here, the better my chances would be that someone from school would see me with Cory and report back to Satan.

The summer sun is relentless as I make my way over to the bench by the front entrance. I’m burning up in shorts and a crop top now, but I’ll be freezing while we watch the movie. If it were up to me, I’d be wearing sweats and a baggy T-shirt. But if I really want to sell the idea that I’m on a date with Cory, I need to look the part.

I pull my phone from my back pocket before taking a seat, sighing at the time. Seventeen after.

Thirteen minutes in this heat will melt me for sure. I open my text messages and shoot Cory a quick text, hoping to speed him along.

Me: I’m here.

As soon as it’s sent, a shadow falls over me. My gaze flickers up expecting to find Cory, but lands on a furious looking Cole instead.

My heart struggles with the weight of my fear, my wide eyes greedily taking him in. “Cole?”

His lips curl into a menacing grin. “Hello, Princess.”

I survey the area around us as I stand. This is not good. All it will take is for one of Satan’s henchmen to see me with Cole.

“What are you doing here?” I ask in a hissing whisper.

This can’t be a coincidence. He must’ve followed me here. But why? And how? Copyright 2016 - 2024