The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,40

take a deep breath, my heart feeling too big for my chest as tears spring to my eyes again. Only this time, they’re happy tears. I’m not sure what I’d do without Cole and Lydia in my life. They mean the world to me. I hope they know that.

My eyelids fall as I lean in to blow out the candle, wishing for Cole to be in my life forever.

He smirks at me when I open my eyes, and my heart skips. “What’d you wish for?”

“I can’t tell you,” I protest, shaking my head. “It won’t come true.”

Cole peels back the wrapper on the cupcake. “Well, if it was for the most delicious red velvet cupcake you’ve ever tasted, wish granted,” he boasts, edging it toward my mouth. “Open up.”

I roll my eyes and take a bite. He wasn’t kidding. This is the best red velvet cake I’ve ever tasted in my life. Cole is becoming quite the cook. He’s even been talking about becoming a professional chef one day.

He watches me as I chew, a proud grin on his face. “Good?”

Without warning, he reaches out and wipes some icing from the corner of my lip with his thumb. When he pops it into his own mouth and licks it off, flames fan my entire body.

“I made the cream cheese icing from scratch,” he tells me, not even noticing the effect he’s had on me.


He shoves it in my face again and I take another big bite.

“I made calzones for dinner. And…I thought maybe we could watch that Snow White movie you’ve been begging me to watch, after we eat?”

I squeal with excitement. “You’re finally going to watch Mirror Mirror with me?”

“Is that seriously what it’s called?” He groans. “Ugh, fine. Yes, we can watch the dang movie. It is your birthday after all.”

“Yay!” I launch myself and wrap him into a hug before realizing it. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

He lets out a nervous chuckle, patting me on the back. “Yeah, all right. It’s just a movie. Not that big of a deal.”

But it is a big deal. It’s a huge deal. He just managed to turn the worst birthday ever into the best one.

I release him and sit back down. “You’re pretty great, Cole Masterson.”

He shakes his head, quickly getting up from the bed. “Come on, Princess. Let’s go eat. My mom’s waiting for us downstairs.”

Chapter Twenty



The chime of a text message rushes me out of the shower, my hands speedily drying on a towel before I wrap it around my body and then reach for my phone. When I see who the text is from, a heavy dread settles in my chest.

Satan: I heard a nasty rumor that Masterson is staying in your house.

My head spins as I stare at the message. This shouldn’t be a surprise. I should’ve seen it coming and done some damage control. It was definitely wishful thinking on my part, hoping no one would find out.

Things were bad enough after Cole showed up at Shane’s party back in May and everyone saw us talking. The exchange wasn’t friendly in the slightest, but I was still threatened—reminded of what would happen if I didn’t stay away from Cole. That’s when I knew this would never be over, that I’d never be able to tell Cole I’m Phantom Girl.

Me: You wouldn’t bother texting me if you thought it was only a rumor.

Satan: Smart girl.

I growl, fighting the urge to smash my phone into pieces. It’s not like it would stop this, though. My life has been controlled by blackmail for two years. Every move I do or don’t make, dictated. If I were simply trying to protect myself instead of Cole, this would’ve been over a long time ago.

Me: My parents are letting him stay here as a favor to his mom. It has nothing to do with me.

Satan: This conversation began so well. Let’s not start lying to each other now.

Me: It’s not a lie.

At least, I don’t think it is. I’ve considered the possibility that Cole’s stay at my house had everything to do with me. He’s very resourceful and persuasive when he wants to be. If he didn’t want to stay here, he would’ve found a way not to. And why would he want to stay in my home knowing I would be here if he hated me?

Unless that’s exactly why he wanted to stay here. To torture me.

Satan: Do I need to remind you of our agreement?

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