Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,60

of the women would start singing a happy tune and her mood would lighten.

When she was suitably dressed and prepared, the women brought her to a large clearing in the center of the encampment. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands of people standing all around a raised platform. As they drew closer, she could see Nico and Drake waiting on top of the platform, watching as she came forward. Somewhere a group of minstrels struck up a tune that carried through the happy crowd and smiles lit each and every face.

Riki’s nerves faded away to nothing when she saw Nico there, waiting for her. Eagerly, she climbed the makeshift steps, holding out one hand to Nico as she drew closer. He not only took her hand but pulled her in close for a quick hug. The crowd cheered loudly and she moved back, a little embarrassed to be in front of so many people, but their song was so happy, it did away with most of her fears.

Arabetta strode forward with several other Jinn elders, all standing with them on the large platform. The crowd grew quiet and the song faded away, leaving joy in its wake. Arabetta stopped in front of Riki and Nico, facing them.

“Who stands witness for this joining?” the old woman asked formally.

“I stand for the bride.” Estella moved next to Riki, smiling as she took a place at her side.

“And I stand for the groom.” Drake spoke from Nico’s side.

Arabetta nodded and began to sing. Or perhaps chant would be a better word, Riki thought, as she felt the magic of Arabetta’s voice like a living thing. This was powerful magic, indeed, channeled through the ancient words. Riki didn’t understand the ancient tongue, but the meaning was clear. She actually felt ethereal bands of magic swirling around herself and Nico, twining them together where their hands were still joined, up and around both of their bodies and souls.

When the chant ended there was an expectant hush in the air.

Arabetta turned to Riki.

“Do you, Arikia, promise your heart and soul to Nicolas?”

Not knowing what else to say, Riki opted for simply answering, “I do.”

Then Arabetta turned to Nico.

“Do you, Nicolas, promise your heart and soul to Arikia?”

“I do,” he stated in a firm voice, leaving no doubt as to his strong intent.

“Then kiss and be one.”

The crowd cheered as Nico bent to kiss her, taking her in his muscular arms. The noise of the crowd faded away as Nico sealed their promises with a binding kiss. Riki felt the magic twining them together, joining their magics and making them more powerful. It was an amazing feeling, and like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

When Nico finally released her some time later, the crowd was singing and cheering happily. Arabetta looked at them both expectantly.

“It is customary among Jinn to wear rings of marriage. The ones we arranged for Drake to acquire in Plinth were made especially for you two. They are plain enough for a spy on the outside, but if you look inside the bands, they bear the mark of the Black Dragon Clan. Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Jinn. We’ve been long awaiting you both.”

Arabetta hugged first Riki, then Nico and the congratulations spread from there. Riki was hugged and congratulated by all the people on the platform, including Estella and Drake. As they made their way off the platform, she and Nico were bombarded with well wishes from everyone near them.

Estella led them to a private tent where a large dinner was laid out, ready and waiting. Estella and Drake were the only ones to join them, which surprised Riki. The sounds of revelry could be clearly heard through the thin tent walls.

Drake sat with Estella on one side of the low table. Colorful cushions were spread all around. This tent was different from the other Jinn tents Riki had been in. For one thing, this tent had few furnishings besides the low table and a multitude of pillows. There were ropes hanging in one corner, though Riki could see no use for them. Likewise, she didn’t understand some of the other odd accoutrements on the table.

Estella began eating from the sumptuous feast before them and something about her manner piqued Riki’s interest. Some deeper game was being played here, but she had no idea what it was.

“So how did you like your Jinn wedding ceremony?” Estella’s eyes sparkled as she nibbled on a fruit in a way that made Riki think of nibbling Copyright 2016 - 2024