Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,61

on Nico. She didn’t know why, but that’s what she immediately thought of, and it shocked her a bit. And excited her.

“I thought it was beautiful, actually.” Riki accepted the plate of delicacies Nico set before her with a smile. He was so thoughtful, and the fire in his eyes promised a passionate night ahead.

“Short and sweet, then we get to the good part,” Drake agreed with a laugh from the other side of the low table. “Nick, I have to thank you for choosing me as your witness.” Drake leered playfully at Estella, and Riki got the impression there was something more to this witnessing business than just standing before the elders with the bride and groom.

“What does that entail, exactly?” she asked boldly.

Estella and Drake chuckled naughtily while Nico narrowed his eyes at them both. Riki knew he would protect her from anything she was uncomfortable with, Jinn tradition or no. That knowledge gave her the courage to press the issue. She waited expectantly for an answer and finally Estella seemed to take pity on her.

“The witnesses stand before the elders. We also ensure your first joining as man and wife goes smoothly.”

“And that you fuck like bunnies until morning,” Drake put in, earning an elbow to the ribs from Estella.

“The Jinn tend to marry very young. Having witnesses is meant to help the younger couples, who are often virgins. Most often, the witnesses are a married couple who guide the youngsters on the path. How much they participate is up to the individual couple being joined.” Estella shrugged. “Since your Nico chose Drake—an unmarried man of some rank—to be his witness, it was only logical I stand for you. Drake and I have shared pleasure before.”

Riki was shocked by the casual way Estella spoke of such private acts. True, she’d seen all kinds of things as Lucan’s prisoner, but this wasn’t deviant in the way Lucan had been. There was no pain or suffering involved here—just the sharing of pleasure for mutual enjoyment. She could even see how an inexperienced couple might find solace from having friends there to help them.

But Nico was far from inexperienced and having already been his lover, Riki didn’t think she needed any help from either Estella or Drake, though having them watch did sound exciting. Riki remembered that time in Drake’s room at the Silver Serpent when Nico had invited his handsome friend to touch her and look at her while Nico pleasured her. It had been wild, exotic and incredibly erotic. Riki had learned then that she liked being watched.

“There is also the fact that sometimes among the Black Dragon Clan, a wedding night could include a mating flight,” Estella went on as she continued to enjoy her supper. “Especially when dealing with young dragons, the older ones stand by ready to catch them if they fall too far, too fast. But we don’t have to worry about that tonight, since you can’t fly yet.”

Riki liked the confident way Estella said “yet”, but Riki doubted she’d ever be able to shift into dragon form. That was a dream for another time.

Nico moved close to her, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. “If you don’t want them here, just say the word, my love. I don’t give a damn if it’s Jinn tradition or not. We do what we want, and all I want is your happiness and comfort.”

Riki stroked his cheek, smiling up at him. “I love you so much, Nico. Would you be shocked if I said I was…intrigued by the idea of having them watch?”

“No, love, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. We dragons are exhibitionists at heart.”

Nico chuckled as he placed her hand in his lap, directly over his steely erection, leaving her to eat with only her right hand. She didn’t mind at all.

“Oh look, they’re already making gooey eyes at each other.” Drake snorted as he threw one arm around Estella’s shoulder.

“You be nice, Drake,” she warned. “They’re in love. Don’t you remember what that’s like?”

Drake seemed to think about the question, a light entering his eyes that made Riki feel a sudden and sweeping sympathy for the rogue. He looked so lost in that moment, it stunned her, but then he smiled, wiping the distressing expression from his face. Playfully, he tugged Estella into his lap.

“I don’t claim to ever have been in love, sweet.”

“That is so sad.” Estella teased him as she cupped his cheek and planted a hot kiss Copyright 2016 - 2024