Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,59

me, even a little?”

His words, for her alone, touched her deeply. She raised her gaze slowly to look at his beautiful face and the tender expression in his hazel eyes nearly made her cry. She saw love shining from his eyes—and this wasn’t the first time, if she were being honest with herself. No, but this was the first time he’d spoken the words plainly.

She reached out, practically throwing herself into his arms. “I love you so much!” she whispered into his ear before pulling back and kissing him soundly.

Nico deepened the kiss, lifting her right off the seat and onto his lap as he devoured her mouth. Riki’s senses spun with the wonder of him and his words of love. She felt the bands stretching from her soul to his strengthen and she knew without being told, of his deep and true affection. She could feel it. Just as he could probably feel echoes of her feelings for him.

When he drew back, she was pressed against his chest, her bottom seated snugly in his lap, and his smile stretched from ear to ear. There was a tenderness in his gaze she had only ever seen when he looked at her and she knew it now for what it was…love.

“Will you be my bride, Arikia?” His tender tone left her breathless.

“Yes, Nico,” she whispered, lost in his hazel green gaze.

“About time,” Arabetta groused good-naturedly, reminding Riki starkly that they had an audience. She tried to straighten, but Nico’s arms held her tight against him.

“Forgive me, Lady,” Nico addressed the old woman. “Riki has not had the easiest life and I wanted to give her time to adjust to me. I didn’t want to scare off my true mate by acting too soon.”

Arabetta’s frown cleared. “You are far wiser than I gave you credit for, Prince Nicolas. I beg your pardon.”

The shock on Estella’s face showed just how surprising the old seer’s words were to her and Riki felt some satisfaction the woman would admit to being wrong about Nico. He was as close to perfect as a man could be, after all.

Riki hugged the knowledge of his love to her heart and crowed like a child inside, where none could hear. Nico loved her and wanted to marry her. It was a miracle of light in her formerly dark, sad, desolate world. Nico brought joy and happiness to her when she thought she would never know it again…and love. He brought her love when she’d despaired of ever feeling such tender emotions for a man in her life. He was a miracle.

Nico nodded, accepting the woman’s apology without comment, letting the moment pass naturally. He was a good diplomat, Riki realized with pride.

“I’d planned to marry in Draconia, once we returned, but if you say the Jinn must be satisfied—and Riki is willing—I’m happy to do so here. The sooner we are joined in the eyes of all, the happier I will be.” He leaned down to kiss her temple, holding her close in his strong arms. Riki felt cherished for the first time in many, many long years.

Chapter Twelve

The wedding ceremony was like nothing Riki had ever seen or even heard about. She realized she’d given up on the idea of marrying or finding love sometime during her imprisonment. She’d lost hope for any kind of future at all, but Nico had returned it to her.

She went into the ceremony without any reservations. Certainly, Riki was astounded by the lovely green silk dress the tailor had made for her. The green was the exact color of her eyes and the skirt swirled around her legs in feather-soft caresses that nearly made her giddy. There were layers to go underneath as well, also in silk, but pale green and gold this time.

Riki had been brought to a private tent to prepare. Several women helped her, all of whom had green eyes like hers and claimed to be cousins of one sort or another. They’d prepared a steaming bath, scented with rare flowers from the southlands. The fragrance was intoxicating and the rich soap they gave her to wash and lotions for her hair were of the finest quality she had ever used.

Riki was overwhelmed by the Jinn women’s generosity. They helped her dress, showing her what pieces went where and laughing at her shy attempts to figure them out on her own. They were kind to her and their welcome nearly reduced her to tears several times, but then one Copyright 2016 - 2024