Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,58

One we will follow into battle. Other than that, Jinn royalty serves little purpose, since we are a mostly scattered people. Perhaps that will make you feel better.” The old woman chuckled. “Regardless, our queen you shall be. As it was foretold.”

Estella spoke up, her warm voice gentle and sure. “Bloodlines are very important to the Jinn. Jintau married Jora, a princess from Elderland in the far east. In that land, even today, men are protectors and warriors, but the women rule. That is how Jora designed the Jinn. She ruled over her many children and their mates, plus the other displaced peoples who came to them to form the Jinn Brotherhood. Jora was a strong seer and foretold of this time in great detail. She knew her children would lead the Jinn in battle, but she also knew it would take new blood to reunite the Jinn with the other children of Draneth.”

“Draneth himself, it is said, counseled his youngest son to follow Jora’s vision.” Arabetta nodded wisely as she stated her belief, but Riki could hardly believe what these women were saying. It seemed so ridiculous. So impossible.

Nico’s hand found hers, grasping tightly, lending her his strength. “Say nothing yet, sweetheart. Let’s see where this leads, all right?”

She looked up into his eyes and fed on his surety of purpose, his strength and his conviction. These people were important for their safety and for the safety of all the dragons and people of Draconia. Riki would not let them down out of fear. She’d take Nico’s advice and see what these people wanted of her before giving in to the fear threatening even now, to overwhelm her.

“I need you to help me, Nico. I’m afraid.” Admitting that was one of the hardest things she’d ever done, but Nico was her rock. He would help her. She knew it in her soul, when she would never have said such words, or admitted such weakness, to anyone else in the world.

Nico squeezed her hand. “I will always be here for you, Riki. I will always be at your side, ready to catch you. Don’t be afraid. Together we can handle anything.”

Tears gathered behind her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Summoning her courage, fortified by Nico’s support, she faced the Jinn women.

“I don’t understand any of this, but I’m willing to listen.”

Arabetta beamed at her. “Spoken like a true queen.”

Riki felt pride at the woman’s apparent confidence in her, but it was tempered with fear and bewilderment. How could these people really think she was a queen? Didn’t they know she was a coward?

“Now to the marriage,” Estella said briskly, shocking Riki back to the strange conversation.

“Bloodlines are all important among the Jinn. That is something that’s been passed down from Jora and her Elderland beliefs. You two must marry in our traditions for your union to be fully recognized, and you must do it now, before you leave for Draconia.”

“But—” Riki was cut off by the old woman.

“I know you’d rather have a big ceremony. What bride doesn’t want that? But we cannot afford the time. We’ve already begun preparations for a feast tonight, preceded of course, by the joining ceremony.”


“One of our finest tailors is preparing a wedding dress for you as we speak.”


“The minstrels are preparing their best songs and representatives of all the Jinn clans are gathering from every corner. This is the largest Jinnfaire in a hundred years. As many as possible have come to witness your joining.”

Riki shouted to be heard, her frustration building as the old woman rode right over all her objections. “But he hasn’t asked me to marry him!”

Dead silence greeted her outburst and frowns were directed at Nico from every corner, raising her protective instincts.

“Don’t you look at him like that,” she scolded. “We only just met a few days ago. How could anyone expect a man to fall in love in so short a time?”

“But a woman could, couldn’t she?” Drake’s knowing words caused heat to rush to her cheeks.

“That isn’t the point of this discussion.” She pointedly ignored Nico, afraid of what she might see on his face.

But Nico tugged on her hand, demanding she face him. “I knew you were mine the first moment I saw you, my love. The dragon in me recognized its mate from the beginning. I do love you, my Arikia, and I want you to be my wife, my lover, my mate for life. Will you consent? Do you love Copyright 2016 - 2024