Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,57

tongue and making her smile.

“This is delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Estella topped up her cup before sitting back and lifting some roasted meat from a platter. “Please eat. We’ll talk while you refresh yourselves with a meal.”

“Are you the only black dragon here?” Nico asked quickly.

Estella chuckled. “No, Prince Nicolas. We of the Black Dragon Clan are descended of Jintau, the youngest son of Draneth the Wise. He had many children. It was they who founded the Jinn Brotherhood generations ago. Since then, the Jinn have spread out all over the lands, but the black dragons remain the core of the Jinn. Our clan rules all the other clans, and only our clan has the ability to shift. Among our clan, we have perhaps a dozen younger dragons and several elders who do not do much flying these days.”

“You’re one of the latter,” Riki said astutely, her eyes on the seer.

Arabetta nodded. “Sadly, when one reaches a certain age, flying is something that can be painful as well as uplifting. I don’t fly much anymore, but I can still do so if needed.”

“Amazing.” Nico’s whisper brought a smile to the older woman’s eyes.

The seer nodded her head with a gentle smile. “I must tell you of the danger I have foreseen, Prince Nicolas. It concerns all the lands, but most especially Draconia.”

That got the attention of everyone at the table. They waited for the older woman to continue.

“There is a place, far in the northland wastes, known only as the Citadel. It was to this place the last of the wizards sealed their enemies and set a caretaker to watch over their resting place. It is to the Citadel, Lucan prepares to go. You must stop him before he succeeds in waking the sleeping wizards trapped there or our lands will know terror the likes of which we have not seen since the Wizard Wars.”

“I’ve been taught about the Citadel, Lady, but I thought it was only legend.” Nico regarded the older woman with respect and a bit of awe.

“Oh, the Citadel is real enough, as is the hereditary caretaker, though the caretaker’s powers have grown weaker with each successive generation. It is all the current caretaker can do to stem the tide and she has made some…unwise choices on her path as she fought to keep the secret of the Citadel safe.” Arabetta sighed. “But the time is coming soon when we will all be tested. Dragons, humans, and others will unite to hopefully prevent a catastrophe beyond which even I cannot see. The fate of our world lies in the balance. You must leave soon for your homeland. Your brother and his mate must be made aware of what is coming. And you will take with you an honor guard of emissaries from the Jinn to Draconia. Our time of hiding is over. The Black Dragon Clan will fight alongside our cousins in Draconia. You must tell your brother that as well.”

“I will. Thank you, Lady Arabetta.” Nico’s voice was formal and somewhat subdued. “I cannot say how glad I am to find the black dragons will rally together. The dragons of my land will be heartened to know the line of Draneth continues to grow strong, even outside the borders of our land. You will all be welcome among us.”

“Well spoken, Prince Nicolas. But there is one thing that must transpire before you can return to your home.” The old woman looked from Nico, pointedly to Riki and back. “You must marry our new queen.”

“Queen?” Riki could hardly believe her ears. “What in the world?”

“It was foreseen generations ago that a daughter of Kent would come to us, to unite the Black Dragon Clan with our allies. The leadership of the Black Dragon Clan has ever been only a stewardship. Estella’s line holds authority over affairs of state until such time as the daughter of Kent arrived. The leadership of the Black Dragon Clan is at least partly yours, Arikia. Our system was designed so the queen rules over diplomatic affairs, and her steward deals with tribal matters. It has ever been thus, from the beginning.”

“But that’s impossible! I’m not even Jinn. And I can’t shift.” She was near tears as all eyes focused on her.

“You have the soul of a dragon, child. That is all that is required to be Jinn. As for shifting, it will come—or not—in time. In truth, it makes no difference. You are the One who was foretold. You are the Copyright 2016 - 2024