Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,56

But this Jinn magic was pure and bright. It felt happy and it welcomed Riki like the arms of a mother. She felt Nico bristle next to her and put her hand out to hold his.

“Don’t worry, Nico,” she said softly. “We’re among friends. I can tell.”

“Are you certain?” She knew he spoke in her mind to avoid detection and realized it was a good idea.

“I can feel the magic of this place and these people. It isn’t evil. They have no evil intent toward us. At least not right now. I would feel it if they did.”

“Truly?” Nico sounded skeptical and she moved to reassure him.

“Yes, truly. Having spent so much time around Lucan, don’t you think I’d recognize evil magic if it faced us? I’ve felt it on our trail from time to time, but this isn’t it. In fact, this is protective magic. Nothing can harm us here.”

Estella led them to a large, central tent in one section of the huge encampment, inviting them in with a flourish and a warm smile. The woman was gorgeous and she could shift to dragon form too. Riki felt a pang, wondering if Nico would prefer Estella to her. It was clear the woman was much more accomplished than she was.

“Sit here, please, and I’ll have food and wine brought in. I know your road has been long to find us, as has ours to find you. The seer will want to speak with you, I know, and I’m sure you have many questions. Just give me a minute to arrange things.”

Estella left the tent and the three of them were alone for a few moments.

“What do you think?” Drake asked quietly.

“Riki seems to think there’s magic in the air and I’m inclined to agree.” Nico pulled her hand into his lap as they sat at a low table.

“But it’s good magic,” Riki insisted. “Not evil. They use it to hide their encampment, for one thing. I felt it as we walked through the barrier, didn’t you?”

Drake shook his head, blue eyes wide. Nico seemed to consider before responding. “I felt a kind of tingle but shrugged it off. Was that the barrier?”

“Probably. It felt like a million butterfly wings tickling against my skin.” She smiled at the memory. “It was friendly and benign.”

“At least to you.” A new voice sounded from the entrance to the tent. In the doorway stood a stately older woman in long, colorful robes. She walked with a slight limp as she moved toward the table and the men rose in respect until she was seated across from Riki. “I am the seer, Arabetta. Welcome, Arikia, daughter of Adora, descendant of Kent. I have awaited your arrival these many years.”

“You see the future?” Nico asked softly, his eyes measuring.

“Sometimes,” the woman shrugged. “Not always in enough time to do anything about what I see, or I would have sent men to prevent the murder of your parents, Prince Nicolas. Please accept my apologies and condolences. Your father was a great man and a true friend to the Jinn. Sadly, the connection was lost when he died, for your brother Roland knew nothing of our bonds, nor did any of the other royal princes. It’s taken us years to reestablish the link that should never have been lost. You, Sir Drake, have been instrumental in that, and for that great service, I thank you.”

Riki looked over at Drake. He looked as if he might object to the old woman calling him “sir”. After all, he was the son of knights, not a knight himself, but just then Estella returned, bringing with her a troop of people with platters of food and flasks of wine. They set them on the wide table and looked over the new arrivals with open curiosity. They placed the items mostly in front of Riki as if seeking her approval. She made a point to smile and thank everyone who sought her eye, flushing a little with the strange attention, but impressed by the friendly eagerness of these people.

Estella sat next to the seer and began to pour out the wine. When she was finished, she raised her cup. “To the Mother of All with many thanks for reuniting the black dragons on this day. Blessed be the Mother of All.”

“Blessed be.” The others repeated the words and Riki followed suit, raising her cup of wine and drinking with the rest of them. The wine was fruity and delicious, tartly zapping Riki’s Copyright 2016 - 2024