Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,29

“I often eat in with my…uh…guests. Eyebrows will not be raised by a large breakfast order coming from me.”

“Then perhaps we could arrange to ‘arrive’ as your cousins later this evening after we’ve rested and you can get some provisions for us.”

Drake nodded, his eyes serious. “I’ll make the purchases today. I assume you lost everything when you were captured?”

Nico nodded. “Riki needs clothes as well.”

“You sly devil.” Drake winked outrageously at her as she chuckled once more. Oh, he was a charming rogue and totally out of her experience.

“Knock it off, Drake.” Nico tugged her back against his chest, one arm banding around her waist. Riki practically purred as Nico staked such a public claim. She had no idea if he meant it for keeps or as just a way to keep her safe from Drake, but she liked it, to be certain. “She’s been held captive for years. She has nothing of her own. I want you to get as much as you can for her in the market. She deserves to be spoiled a little. At least as much as we can manage on such short notice.”

“Heard and understood, boss.” Drake’s eyes lit with sympathy and she wasn’t above accepting it right now. She’d been through a lot and would most likely fall asleep in a heap on the floor if Nico wasn’t holding her up. It had been a long few days since escaping the palace, but the time with Nico had been the most exhilarating, if the most exhausting, of her life thus far.

“I’ll just nip down to the kitchen and ask Themla to make up a tray.” Drake turned toward the door, but paused, looking back at Nico first, then at her, his expression clouded. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

Riki sensed the very deep feeling in the handsome man’s quiet words. She knew they were meant for Nico and the slight tightening of his arm at her waist told her how deeply Drake’s words were felt in return.

“Me too, my friend. Me too.”

Drake left and Nico let her go when she pulled slightly against his hold. Turning in a circle, she got a chance to look over the small, neat room. There was a large bed in one corner that looked like heaven itself to her. Even rumpled from having been slept in by the blond giant, the mattress looked soft and inviting. Riki hadn’t slept in a real bed in years. Though she’d been chained at times to Lucan’s, she had never even been tempted to sit on the edge of that vile piece of furniture when he wasn’t around.

Anything Lucan touched was contaminated as far as she was concerned and she far preferred the hard marble floor to sleep on than anything he would give her. Of course, he never once offered even a thin mat for her comfort. She was there for his comfort alone—no one else’s—and the point was driven home by all the little slights and inconveniences as well as the beatings and screaming threats.

But it was all behind her now. And Drake’s bed was before her.

“There’s a chamber pot behind the screen, if you need it,” Nico said from behind her. She started, waking from her dazed thoughts. She was quite literally asleep on her feet. “Or you could just lie down. You look done in, sweetheart. Why don’t you go to sleep?”

Riki couldn’t resist the temptation the bed represented. Stumbling a little as she moved forward, she had only the presence of mind to unbutton the cloak and allow it and the basket to slide off her arms just before she reached the bed. Collapsing on it face down, she felt Nico tug the thin blanket up over her, settling her more comfortably.

She made an effort to turn onto her side so she could see him. Surprisingly, he was bending over to collect and fold the cloak, putting it over the foot of the bed, giving extra warmth to her cold feet. Riki smiled up at him.

“I’m sorry. I can’t seem to keep my eyes open.”

Nico chuckled. “It’s all right, sweetheart.” He sat on the side of the bed, leaning over to kiss her brow. “Go to sleep. There will be food here when you wake and I won’t leave you for one moment.”

“Do you promise?” She yawned as sleep threatened to claim her.

“I do, my love. I’ll watch over you and protect you all the days of my life.”

Riki couldn’t be certain later if Nico actually spoke Copyright 2016 - 2024