Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,30

the words or if she just dreamed them. Ah, but what a beautiful dream.

Chapter Seven

Drake pushed open the door some moments later, holding a large tray before him. Nico met him at the door, took the tray and deposited it on the room’s only table. Nico sat down and dug into the hot meal, knowing some of it wouldn’t keep while Riki slept. He’d leave the bread and jams for her, as well as some of the fruit and cheese, but the fried eggs and bacon, as well as the oatmeal, was his.

The important thing was, they could get more. Drake would hide them and keep them as safe as possible while they were with him. Though he didn’t see Drake much nowadays, they’d been raised together, trained together as soldiers and in their lessons. They were close friends and Nico trusted Drake with his life—and now with Riki’s life as well.

“She asleep?” Drake asked quietly, nodding toward the bed.

Nico nodded. “The journey’s been rough on her, and she was in bad shape when I found her. Lucan beat and starved her for the past year or more, from what I can tell. He had her chained to his bed.”

Drake’s eyes narrowed. “He hurt her?”

“Not the way you think.” Nico was quick to correct the assumption, though his voice was grim. “For some reason, Loralie the witch told Lucan that Riki would lose her healing power if she wasn’t a virgin. It’s the only thing that’s protected her from rape, but he’s hurt her in other ways.” Nico’s blood ran hot with anger as he thought what Riki must have suffered.

“She’s special to you, isn’t she?” Drake’s eyes softened as he looked at the sleeping woman.

“She’s the one, Drake.”

“Does she know that yet?” Drake looked speculative, and more than a little shocked, but Drake had grown up in a Lair. Drake was well aware of how quickly knights and dragons knew when they’d met the one woman meant for them. Dragons and knights both had very strong bonds with their chosen mates, and Nico was a little of both.

Nico shook his head, his gaze focused on Riki, sleeping soundly, nearly swallowed up by the big bed. “With what she’s been through, I’m surprised she’s even still sane. Lucan’s not quite human anymore, Drake.”

“I’d heard rumors.”

“I’ve seen it firsthand.” Nico eyed his old friend, driving home the urgency of his words. “According to Riki, Lucan made a deal with Salomar. He traded diamond blades and an alliance against us, in return for use of Salomar’s pet witch, Loralie.” Nico resumed eating as he related the details Riki had given him about how the North Witch had blended Lucan with the skiths, mingling their blood with his in painful treatments Riki had witnessed. It had been her duty to heal the tyrant after the treatments, weakening herself in the process.

“Lucan kept her starved and weak and when she didn’t comply with his demands, he beat her bloody. There are scars all over her body and you can see how thin she is. She looked even worse two days ago.” Anger rose as Nico spoke, but he was careful to keep control of the seething dragon within.

“The poor mite.” Drake’s expression was filled with pity as he watched Riki sleep. Nico felt possessive of her, but there was also a sense of thankfulness that his friend would feel protective of her too. Drake was fiercely loyal and had a soft heart he tried hard to hide, but Nico had known him since they were both boys. Their bond ran deep.

“She’s got fire, Drake, and spirit. Lucan wasn’t able to crush it out of her, but she’s unsure of herself. She has little sense of her own self-worth. We must tread lightly with her feelings.”

“Which is why, I take it, you’re giving her time.”

“She’s the most precious thing in my world, Drake. She can have all the time she needs.”

“Things will be easier once we get you out of Skithdron. I’m going to the market to get your supplies and talk to a few friends. Unless there’s trouble, I’ll return just before sundown. The common room of the tavern doesn’t start filling up until dinnertime, which starts one mark after sundown in these parts. You can ‘arrive’ during the dinner bustle with none the wiser.” Drake stood from the table and readied himself to leave.

“A good plan.” Nico rose and held his hand out to Drake in the warrior’s way. They clasped, giving each Copyright 2016 - 2024