Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,28

hand. “Let’s go. Just move quietly, like we belong here, and all should be well.”

“Is that your operative?”

“Yes, that’s him. He’s a good friend as well, so I know we’ll be safe with him, Riki. You have nothing to fear from him. You can trust me on this.”

“I do, Nico.”

He squeezed her hand as they strolled past Drake into the sleepy tavern. Only a few people were stirring in the kitchen. Nico could hear the motions of cooking and smell the beginnings of breakfast from the far side of the hall as Drake motioned them into the doorway closest to the back door. Nico smiled at the good placement. Drake wasn’t one of his best operatives for nothing.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Nico turned to his friend.

“What? No female companionship last night?” He made a tsking sound as he shook his head, speaking softly, wary of the thin walls and possibility of listening ears around them. “Drake, you shock me.”

But Drake wasn’t laughing. He spoke in low tones as well. “I heard about your capture just last night from the scoundrel who sold you out. He’s been dealt with.” The grim set to his mouth assured Nico the man wouldn’t be double crossing anyone ever again. “I’d planned to head south today, to see if I could be of assistance, then I find you at my doorstep. And with a lovely companion, no less.”

No doubt Drake was being cautious around Riki. He didn’t know who or what she was, after all. Nico relished the moment, knowing how surprised Drake would be when he learned their quest for the new queen’s sister was at an end.

Nico drew Riki forward to face Drake. “Sweetheart, may I present Drake of the Five Lands.”

“Bard extraordinaire,” Drake added with a twinkling smile. “He always forgets that part.”

Riki chuckled, the sound enchanting Nico as he continued the introductions.

“Drake, this is Riki. The one we’ve all been searching for.”

Nico felt satisfaction as Drake’s eyes widened. Drake looked back at Riki, clearly astounded to realize just who she was.

“Are you certain?” Drake whispered.

Nico nodded. “She healed me.” He knew that was all the proof Drake would need. He was one of the few who knew the secrets of royal blood.

Drake dropped to one knee before them. “Thank the Mother for your return, milady.”

Riki squirmed as the tall blond man knelt before her. No one had ever seemed so pleased to see her—not counting Nico’s initial reactions, of course. If this was the kind of reception she was going to get in Draconia, she would be forever blushing. As she was sure her face was flaming at that very moment.

“Um…I’m pleased to meet you, sir.”

The blond man’s gaze went from her to Nico with apparent amusement.

“Get up, you fool.” Nico chastised the man with good humor. It was clear to her these men were long-time friends from the easy way they conversed. “You’re making the poor girl blush.”

She just knew it. Could she be any more embarrassed?

Drake got to his feet, taking her free hand in his on the way up and dragging it to his lips for a kiss. Nico’s hand tightened on her other hand and pulled her back toward him as he growled low in his throat.

“She’s not here for your amusement, Drake.” Nico’s tone excited her. He sounded almost…possessive.

Drake winked at her and let her hand go gently. “How can I help?”

“We need food and sleep. We flew all night.”

“Can she—?”

Riki got the impression he was asking if she could shift into dragon form, but that would mean he knew about her sister. Then again, he was a highly placed spy and apparently a good friend of Nico’s. It was more than likely he did know, and she felt suddenly self-conscious as Nico shook his head negatively, cutting off that line of inquiry.

She felt somehow…less…because she couldn’t do what Lana apparently could. She couldn’t turn into a dragon and she couldn’t have escaped on her own like Lana did. All in all, she was falling far short of Lana’s accomplishments and though she loved her sister dearly, she felt sorry for herself.

“Can you get some food for us without raising suspicion?” Nico asked quietly, redirecting the conversation.

“We still have a few things in the basket.” Riki raised an arm, over which the handle of the basket still rested. It was lighter now, to be sure, but she had managed to save some of the fruit for Nico.

“It’s no problem,” Drake said softly, Copyright 2016 - 2024