Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,27

houses of Elderland losing face, Drake had earned the emperor’s good favor and a few trade concessions for Draconia as well as some well-deserved time off.

But Drake was never truly at rest. He’d sent word through the usual channels to tell Nico he’d be staying at the Silver Serpent for a few months to see what he might learn of the troubles in Skithdron. Nico thanked the Mother for it now, noting Drake’s colorful cart stored half under a tarp in the tavern yard. He was here. Drake of the Five Lands never left his colorful equipage behind. It was as much a part of his persona as his flowing blond hair and winks for the ladies.

Young, old, fat, skinny, short, tall, feisty or docile, Drake loved women of all kinds. And they loved him. Drake had cut a swath through the ladies in all five lands he claimed as his home. Few knew he was really a highly placed son of Draconia, and that alone made him a valuable asset to his true homeland.

“This is it.” Nico pulled Riki closer into his side, shielding her from the single large window into the taproom by placing himself between her and it. “We’re in luck. See that blue wagon under the cloth over there? That’s Drake’s wagon. Which means he’s in residence.”

Nico noted the subtle way she looked at the wagon. This remarkable woman was a natural at the spy game, did she but know it.

“And you think he’ll help us?”

“I know he will.”

“You trust this man?” Fear laced her tone and he squeezed her gently as he met her gaze.

“With my life.”

Nico walked past the main entrance of the tavern, knowing Drake wouldn’t be up and about in the main rooms yet. It was too early for a man who played late into the night to be awake, for one thing. For another, Drake wasn’t on assignment, which meant his time was his own. No doubt he was with one of his many legions of women and had spent most of the night in pleasure.

“Aren’t we going in?” Riki asked quietly in his mind, though her steps didn’t falter. She followed where he led, giving him a surprising sense of satisfaction.

“Not by the front door. There’s a smaller entrance ’round the back. Drake’s room should be near there, but we’ll wait for his signal before going inside. Just be as quiet as you can and follow my lead.”

“Of course, Nico. You’ve gotten us this far.”

Her warm tone filled him with unexpected pride that she would place such trust in him on such short acquaintance. Of course, his dragon soul knew her—and wanted her—but he couldn’t be as sure of what she felt. This little indication of trust was all the more touching because of it.

But he couldn’t let himself be distracted. This was a crucial moment. They couldn’t be seen loitering around the back alleys, but they also couldn’t just barge into the tavern making a grand entrance. This had to be done with finesse.

Walking nonchalantly around back, Nico eyed the surroundings with subtle interest. No one was about, which was a relief. Quietly he positioned himself near the back door, leaning against a support and tugging Riki into his arms.

“In case anyone is watching, we’re just two lovers out for a quick cuddle before we go in.”

Riki smiled up at him with utter trust and Nico bent down to kiss her sweet lips just once. He couldn’t afford the more leisurely exploration he really wanted. They just didn’t have time. Nico had to get her inside before the sun rose above the city walls and anyone could see the state of their clothing in the full light of day. That would be remarked upon, and if anyone started asking, they’d be fingered for certain.

“Stay right there, sweetheart.” Nico pulled her against him, settling his cheek against hers just enough to hide the lower part of his face in the folds of the hood, which was resting in bunches around her shoulders. Pursing his lips, he gave the soft call of a dove. Altered just slightly, this particular call should alert Drake to their presence.

Nico nuzzled Riki’s neck as he waited, his muscles bunched with tension until he felt her fingers rubbing circles on his straining shoulders. He was about to give the call again when the back door opened and Drake’s unmistakable blond head shone bright in the dim light as he leaned out.

Nico straightened casually and took Riki’s Copyright 2016 - 2024