Pieces of Us - Carrie Elks Page 0,49

go down too,” he told Jackson. “In case the guys need our help.”

Jackson grinned. “Sure, man. Whatever you say.”

By the time they reached the girls, they’d already given the strangers the brush off, and Ember looped her arms around Lucas’s neck and was smiling up at him as she asked him to dance with her. Lucas placed his hands on her hips and began to sway with her, leaning down to press his lips against her forehead.

Griff looked at Autumn, who was still swaying to the beat, oblivious to the interested stares she was attracting from guys all over the dance floor. “You okay?” he asked her.

“I’m great.” She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling as their gazes met. “And you?”

“I’m good.” His body relaxed as soon as he caught her stare. It didn’t matter who was looking at her, she was looking at him. “Enjoying my party. Thanks for arranging it.”

“Any time.” She pulled her lip between her teeth. “You want to dance?” she asked him, stepping to the right to make a space for him.

“With you?”

“Yeah. Isn’t that what friends do?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m good for that if you are.”

She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her, her eyes sparkling beneath the flashing disco lights. Even in her skyscraper heels, the top of her head only grazed his chin as he held her hands, moving them both to the sensual bass.

“You’re a good dancer,” she murmured.

“Probably uses the same muscles as surfing.” God, she smelled good. He wanted to bury his face in her hair and inhale deeply.

The next song was slower, enough for him to pull her in close and have her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel every inch of her pressing against him, the sensation making him grit his teeth.

“You’re very handsome,” she whispered. “But you know that.” Her eyes were a little fuzzy from the champagne.

“Thank you.” He winked at her.

“Seeing you in those pants does things to me.” Her voice was still low, enough for the beat to swallow her words up. But he still heard them.


“Yeah.” She sighed. “Everybody keeps asking me what’s going on between us.”

“What did you tell them?” His eyes met hers.

“That we’re friends.”

“We are,” he agreed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Good friends.”

“Friends with amazing benefits.” That drink had definitely gone to her head.

“Amazing?” he repeated, amusement dancing in his eyes.

“Really, really amazing.”

He cleared his throat. “You probably want to stop grinding your body against me soon, or those amazing benefits might happen in front of everybody.”

She bit down a laugh. “Sorry. I forgot where we were.”

He slid his hands down her back, resting them in the dip above her ass. “It’s okay. I kind of enjoyed it.”

“Is it wrong that I want you to kiss me right now?” Her eyes were dark as she stared up at him.

“In here?” he asked, his throat feeling tight. He wanted to kiss her like crazy. To spin her around and press her against the wall and move his body against hers until neither of them could think straight.

“Yeah, here.” She nodded. “Now.”

“In front of our friends? What will they say?”

“I don’t care what they say. I don’t care what anybody thinks. I want you to kiss me right now, Griffin Lambert.”

God, she was beautiful. With her head tipped up, her lips parted, and her eyes wide and needy as they stared at him. He cupped her cheek with his hand, his lips twitching as she turned her head to kiss his palm, the sensation affecting him more than it should.

He stared at her intently, his gaze not leaving hers as he grazed his nose against hers, inhaling her skin like it was an illicit substance. Then his lips were brushing against hers, his hand sliding to the back of her head to angle her face, his tongue running along her swollen bottom lip.

She was intoxicating. One kiss could never be enough. She was a cool drink after a long day, slating his thirst yet making him want more. She pressed her body against his, her fingers raking through his thick hair.

It was only when they parted that he realized all their friends were looking at them. He froze for a moment, half-expecting Autumn to panic or hide. But then Ally started laughing, and Autumn grinned at him, desire still flashing in her gaze.

“Well thank god for that,” Ally said, giving Autumn a high five. “I was starting to choke on the UST. Can

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