Pieces of Us - Carrie Elks Page 0,48

to the beat.

Ally was the first to let go. She shimmied her hips, raising her hands into the air as her long blonde hair flowed out behind her. She looked amazing in a tight silver dress, the metallic fabric clinging to her athletic curves. All the guys on the dance floor were looking at her, although she was way too busy dancing to notice.

Autumn tipped her head back, letting the music wash over her as she let her own hips and body sway. When was the last time she danced in a club like this, with friends, and without a care in the world? She should do it more often.

For the first time in a long while she felt happy. Really and truly content. Maybe it was the new start, or maybe it was being in Angel Sands. It was almost impossible to be unhappy with the warm sun and deep blue ocean surrounding you.

Or maybe there was another reason. Her lips curled into a smile as she glanced over her shoulder and saw Griff looking at her from the VIP area, as he talked with Lucas. Maybe it was about finding a friend who made her feel excited to wake up every morning. One who made facing life so much easier.

Whatever it was, she liked it.

“One more dance,” Ember said when the song finished. “And then we should go and give Griff his birthday presents.”

“Yeah, and get another glass of champagne.” Harper grinned at their laughter at her suggestion. “Hey, it’s the first time James and I have been to a club since the baby was born.” She wrinkled her nose. “In fact, I think it’s the first time we’ve ever been somewhere like this. I want to make the most of it.”

Harper had filled Autumn in on the unusual way she and James had gotten together. They’d met at the opening of the Silver Sands Resort, and spent one amazing night together. She’d never expected to see him again until she realized she was pregnant and had to track him down. Until their baby was born, they’d been so busy getting used to being expecting parents that they hadn’t had time to date the way people usually did.

“Sounds good to me,” Caitie said. “I’ve been working way too many hours this month. I need all the champagne to calm my nerves.”

“It’s Autumn who needs the champagne,” Brooke pointed out. “She’s organizing a charity event for Frank as well as trying to make some changes at the pier, and we all know certain people will try to make it difficult for her. And on top of that, she organized Griff’s birthday party.”

“I like planning stuff.” Autumn shrugged. “I’m weird that way.”

Brooke caught her eye. “Well Griff’s a lucky guy to have you as a friend.”

“Yeah he is.” Ally winked. “Really lucky.”

“So, you’re just friends, then,” Lucas said to Griff as the waiter passed them two more beers.

“Yeah, right.” Jackson rolled his eyes. “Because friends are always organizing parties for each other.”

“To be fair, Caitie organized our wedding,” Lucas pointed out.

“Yeah, but she’s your sister so it doesn’t count. Autumn clearly has the hots for Griff, and by the way he’s staring down at her, he feels the same way.”

“I’m right here, guys,” Griff murmured. “And whatever’s going on between me and Autumn is none of your business.” He took another mouthful of beer and turned to look at his friends. “And by the way, I think those guys are making the moves on your wife and sister.” He inclined his head to the floor and watched as Lucas’s brow furrowed.

Two men were dancing behind Ember and Caitie, looking down at them as though trying to catch a glimpse of their cleavages. Lucas was usually as mild mannered and laid back as Griff, but he was already tapping Breck on the shoulder and pointing at the dancefloor. Breck frowned as he followed Lucas’s direction. “Should we sort this out?” he asked him, his jaw tight as one of the men slid his arms around Caitie’s waist.

“Sure we should.” The two of them walked across the VIP area and to the stairs.

“Completely whipped,” Jackson said, shaking his head. “Good job I have you, bro, and you’re not at all interested in Autumn.”

Griff opened his mouth to tell Jackson to shut up, but then two more men were walking over, heading directly to the spot where Autumn and Harper were dancing. His jaw tightened and he glanced over his shoulder. “We should

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