Pieces of Us - Carrie Elks Page 0,50

we go give Griff his birthday gifts now?”


It was almost two in the morning by the time they grabbed their jackets and Griff’s birthday gifts and headed for the car waiting for them at the sidewalk. Breck, Caitie, and Jackson climbed in with them, Autumn having offered them a ride home since they lived near Griff’s apartment. The driver pulled smoothly away, making a U-turn to join the road out of town.

“God, my feet ache,” Caitie said, taking off her high-heeled silver sandals and wiggling her bare toes. “Babe, can you give me a massage?”

Breck sighed and took her feet into his hands, rubbing his thumb over the soles.

Jackson grinned at the two of them, then turned to look at Griff. “Babe, maybe you can massage my feet, too.”

“Get out of here.” Griff shook his head.

“It’s kind of your fault my feet hurt,” Jackson pointed out. “I was dancing at your birthday party.”

“I’ll buy you a foot spa,” Griff muttered, then rolled his eyes at Autumn. “Let’s drop him off first, okay?”

They pulled up outside Jackson’s sprawling house half an hour later. Griff had to climb out first to avoid his friend clambering over him. He didn’t want another request for a foot rub.

“Hope you had a good birthday, man,” Jackson said, giving Griff a hug.

Griff hugged him back. “It was good. Thanks for coming.”

“Autumn’s the one to thank. She arranged everything. Called us all up and told us when to get to the club. She’s great.”

Griff’s voice was rough. “Yeah, she is.”

“So are you two an item now?” Jackson asked, glancing over Griff’s shoulder at the car. Autumn and Caitie were laughing about something, and Breck was checking his phone, while the driver waited patiently for Griff to climb back in.

“We’re just friends.”

“A little more than that. I saw that kiss.”

“Yeah, well it’s casual. The way she wants it.”

“And you? What do you want?”

Griff’s smile was tight. “I want whatever she does.” He slapped Jackson on the back. “Now go inside, drink a glass of water, and get some sleep.”

“G’night, man.”

They dropped Breck and Caitie off next, and as the car pulled out of the lot, the driver turned around to ask, “Where next?”

Griff gave the man his address and leaned back, stretching his arm across the leather seat. Autumn nestled into him, her head fitting perfectly into the crook of his arm.

He could see his face faintly reflected in the passenger window. Who was that guy looking so contentedly back at him? His skin felt hot, his chest full of emotions he couldn’t quantify. Then Autumn caught his eye and smiled, and he realized what a lucky bastard he was.

She was beautiful and funny and everything a woman should be.

Even better, she wanted him.

“You okay?” she breathed, snuggling even closer to him. She lifted his hand and pressed her lips to his palm, sending a shiver straight through him.

“Yeah.” His voice was thick. “I’m good.”

For so long he’d thought relationships were like cages. Bars that confined his parents until they snapped and spat at each other like wild animals, yet could never part. They just ignored everything – and everyone – around them.

Including him.

But being with Autumn didn’t feel like that at all. It wasn’t a cage, but a soft cocoon instead. Something he wanted to run to rather than avoid. He’d spent so long being afraid of intimacy that it was a shock to realize how pleasurable it could be.

She turned in his arms, her eyes bright as she smiled up at him. God, he wanted her. He wanted her kisses, her gazes, her soft words… everything. He craved them like a fix. He didn’t care what he had to do to get it.

“Are you sure you’re okay with me coming back to yours?” she asked him.

“Yep. I want to wake up with you in my bed.” He gave her a crooked grin. “It’s my birthday.”

“The day after, technically.”

He pressed his lips to her brow. “Whatever. You’re coming home with me.”

Autumn blew out a mouthful of air, her head falling back on the pillow, her skin covered in a sheen of perspiration. They’d barely made it through the doors of his apartment before they were tearing off each other’s clothes, the sexual tension from the club spilling into his living room.

Griff rolled onto his side and smiled down at her. “You want anything? A glass of water, some juice.” He traced the line of her upper lip with the tip of his finger. “A sandwich?”

“A sandwich?” She

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