The Petrov Brothers - J.L. Beck Page 0,174

because I know it was those laced pills that caused him to lose his mind and that it had nothing to do with the man he really is.

“Yeah me too.” My tiredness vanishes in an instant just thinking about getting into the shower with him. My eyes rake over his chiseled abs and muscled chest, my body reacting to the man before me as it always has. Even with the bruises starting to form on his skin, and the new stitches, need pools deep inside me. As if a few scars could ruin is perfect body. Two weeks...that’s how long I’ve waited to touch him again, to kiss him, to have him inside of me.

“Are you sure about this Sophie? I’ve missed you beyond words, but that doesn’t mean things have to go back to normal. It doesn’t mean you have to pretend that you still want me.”

“I’m sure Roman…why would you think I wouldn't want you anymore? I missed you so much. And yeah you made some mistakes, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less. It doesn’t change what we have. I still want to be with you.”

His lips are on mine before I can say another word. He tells me more with this kiss than any words ever could, still it feels good when he pulls away to speak.

“I love you too. So much. I will spend the next hundred years proving to you how much I love you. I will never let anything come between us again. I hurt you, and I want you to know I never meant to. I want you to know every time I close my eyes at night, I see what I did. It will never happen again, Sophie. I promise.”

Tears well in my eyes. This is the first time he’s admitted his feelings out loud. “You didn’t have to say you were sorry, Roman. I already knew it. If you were anyone else, I would have second-guessed your apology, but I know what happened was an accident. It wasn’t your intention to hurt me.”

“Never, Sophie. I see my hands on you every single night when I close my eyes, and it kills me. I hurt you, and the fear in your eyes from that night was enough to make me want to kill myself.”

His admission makes me gasp. I grip onto him, my nails sinking into his flesh, making it so he can’t pull away from me.

“It was an accident, Roman,” I murmur against his skin.

“It wasn’t an accident. I took the drugs and lost my shit. I lost control, and it kills me. It literally kills me to know I hurt you. I put my hands on you, and that’s not me.” Anguish coats his words. “I would never hurt you, never, yet I did. I was supposed to protect you, and instead, I turned into the monster you needed protecting from.”

I shake my head, pulling away to look up at him. He peers down at me, holding my cheeks. Tears stain my face. I look into his green depths, seeing a man who’s wounded, broken, afraid, and in need of so much love.

“I love you, Roman. Nothing you ever do will change that. People make mistakes. The important thing is if you learn from them.”

He leans down, his lips ghosting against mine once more. “I learned my lesson. I never want to go without you again. The only drug I need in my life is you.”

Closing the distance between our lips, I press mine against his possessively, relishing in the groan that emits from his throat. I’ve missed his touch, his lips, and every single inch of him. Our lips stay connected, and Roman guides us into the bathroom before pulling away for a second to turn on the shower. He adjusts the temperature, and I peel off my clothes, tossing them to the floor. When I look up at him again, there’s hunger pooling in his orbs. The pull he has on me is magnetic, captivating, something I couldn’t escape if I wanted to.

“We don’t have to do anything. We can just shower and go to bed. I’ll hold you in my arms.” He swallows and I can see his Adam’s apple bob. Doesn’t he know how much I want this...want him? How much my body craves and needs his touch?

“I want you Roman. I want you inside me,” I rasp, grabbing the top of his shorts. I push them down over his hips, and they Copyright 2016 - 2024