The Petrov Brothers - J.L. Beck Page 0,175

fall the rest of the way over his muscled thighs and to the floor. Saliva builds in my mouth when his hardened cock springs free. The sight of him only fuels my desires, stoking the flames deep in my belly.

“Fuck, I want you too...I want you so bad it almost hurts,” Roman growls softly, pulling me flush to his chest. My pebbled nipples rub against his heated skin and I gasp at the sensation, a zing of pleasure slamming into my core. I’m already drenched, my pussy throbbing, begging for his cock.

Roman moves us into the shower keeping me against his chest, kissing my lips, shoulders, and neck. He sucks on the flesh, while kneading both my breasts as he pushes me against the tile.

“I’ve dreamt of you every night,” He croaks, his lips moving further and further south. My heart flutters inside my chest, beating against my rib cage like a bird trying to break free. Before I know it, he is kneeling in front of me.

Heat blooms in my chest as he parts my folds and kisses my sex. My knees buckle when I feel his tongue gently stroke my clit. It’s a sensual action one meant to draw out pleasure. He’s not feasting, he’s tasting me as if I’m a fine wine.

“Lean against the wall,” he murmurs into my skin. I do as he asks and lean back, enjoying how good the cool tile feels on my heated skin.

“Now hook one leg over my shoulder,” he orders. I do but almost lose balance standing on one leg. He grabs me by the hips to steady me. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He looks up and winks at me, melting my heart into a puddle of mush. I situate myself so my legs are hooked over his shoulders and his hands are kneading my ass cheeks keeping me in place.

“I’ve feasted on you, but tonight I will take my time. I will make you quiver, make your beautiful pussy gush. I will love every single inch of you, and then I’ll do it all the fuck over again until you’re nothing more than a withering mess of goop.”

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, stifling the moan as soon as he parts my folds and gives me a slow lick. I'm on fire, burning with need, my mind in a deep fog of longing. My right hand is flat against the tiled shower wall beside me, the other buried in Roman’s thick curls.

His tongue strokes my already swollen clit, and his hands travel up and down my leg, caressing my skin.

His lips close around my small bud, and he sucks. He nuzzles, teases, strokes, and fondles me with such a tender touch that tears glisten in my eyes. The way he’s touching me right now can only be described with one I can feel it in every touch, every kiss and every glimpse into his eyes. I’ve known that I was in love with Roman for a while, maybe part of me knew from the first time I had seen him. And I even knew that he had fallen in love with me somewhere along the way. Maybe he didn’t admit it out loud, or even to himself, but that knowledge had never been so clear to me.

The way his body is touching mine is more than’s a declaration. In this moment we are so deeply connected that I realize what Roman is to me. He is so much more than a boyfriend, more than a lover, protector and savior...he is my soulmate. I feel it in my bones, in every breath I take. He is the air in my lungs, the beat of my heart.

With every soft, and gentle lick I’m pushed closer and closer toward the edge. My muscles tense, my thighs shake, and my pussy quivers, literally quivers. The orgasm works through me slowly, tingling down my spine and deep into my bones. I can hear my pulse in my ears, the swooshing of blood as it passes through my body.

“Roman…” I pant, my breaths harsh. He growls into my center and my hold on his hair tightens. “Oh god...Oh god…”

My release gushes deep from within my body and Roman sucks up every drop, his tongue probing my entrance, dipping in and out with shallow thrust. Two fingers replace his tongue and he starts scissoring them deep inside me, stretching me to accommodate his cock. I can feel the distinct tingling in Copyright 2016 - 2024