The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,57

I growl.

He walks to his truck and leans against the driver’s door, crossing his arms. I stand in front of him and do the same.

“Addy and you belong together, Beau. It’s time you realized it.”

“That’s not the part I’m confused about.”

“It’s not inappropriate to be with her.”

I slide on my sunglasses and look across the street to her flower shop. “Isn’t it, though?”

“No. It isn’t. I can’t say anything to make you believe that, but listen to me when I say this, okay?”

“What is it?”

“Do you think, that when Chris was taking his last breath, his final thought was that he was glad he didn’t take the chance on being with Addy or having Zoey? Life is short, Beau. We know this. Stop letting your fears get in the way of going after what you really want.”

Before I can respond, he turns and gets into his pickup, starts it up, and backs into the street. I stare at the flower shop and bite my lip.

He’s right. As usual. I should learn from losing Chris that I can’t let life just pass me by. But how do I risk it? If it doesn’t work between us, I not only lose my best friend, I also lose the close relationship I have with my niece. Not that Addy wouldn’t let us be around each other, but I know it wouldn’t be the same. And what if what we have together only works because there isn’t the romance between us? What happens if I kiss her, like I almost did last night, and there’s no chemistry between us?

Why are you assuming it won’t work?

I don’t know why I’m sabotaging it before it even begins.

Actually, I do.

Because of how strong my feelings are for her. It’s not just a random hook-up or relationship. It’s Addy. There’s no room for me to mess this one up.

Even with all my doubts, deep down, I know that I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t try. She’s Addy. My Addy.

Only good because there isn’t romance? Nah, not the reason. Because I’m more romantic with Addy, even not being anything more than her friend, than I have ever been with anyone else. I think long and hard about the birthday gifts and cards I give her. I go to extra lengths to know everything about her, and not just the surface things like what’s her favorite color or food.

No chemistry between us? Impossible. When I came close to kissing her, the electricity that pulsed between us was undeniable. Addictive. Unforgettable.

I can only imagine what it will be like to actually kiss her.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and shoot her a text.

Me: What do you think about burgers tonight? I’ll grill.

Addy: Sounds great. Zoey will want fries, too.

Me: Smart girl.

Addy: Just like her mama!

I grin and pocket my phone then run a few more errands before going to the store to get everything we need for supper. While I’m out, I also pick up some triple chocolate cupcakes because hopefully tonight we’ll be celebrating. Or possibly, hopefully, doing something else after Zoey goes to bed.

I arrive at Addy’s house and her car is already parked in the garage. When I put my pickup in park, Zoey comes flying out of the house to greet me. Luckily I’m able to stop her before she goes head first into my crotch.

“Mommy said we’re havin’ hamburgers!”

“Sounds delicious!”

“I know!”

I set her down after a big squeeze and grab the groceries out of the back seat of my pickup. I have to stop myself from getting too eager, too excited about what I want to talk to Addy about. But that effort proves to be all for naught when I walk into the kitchen and see Addy standing at the counter in a pair of black cotton shorts and a t-shirt. I love it when she’s dancing to no music, like she is now. Her hips swaying back and forth and the faint hum of whatever song is stuck in her head filters through the room. Her legs look long and lean and like they’re meant to be wrapped around my waist while I drive into her.

I want to toss the food to the floor and walk up behind her, angle my head so it’s sitting perfectly in the crook of her neck, and inhale her sweet scent. My hands itch to wrap around her and slide up her front to cup her breasts or tangle in her long wavy dark blonde Copyright 2016 - 2024