The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,56

get the shop set up here, but no one’s bitchin’ about it, so that’s good. They must not hate the idea too much.”

“Suppose not. They get to sit in an air conditioned cab an hour each way just to get supplies and get paid for it.”

“Very true. Soon that won’t be a problem and honestly, it’s not even a problem now. As you know, our lumberyards deliver straight to the job site so it’s not even like we’ll be traveling much.”

“Perfect. Why didn’t we do this earlier?”

Smiling, I lick my lips and look across the street before back to Grant. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up and I shake my head. He inhales deeply and blows the smoke away from me but doesn’t react to my head shake. I might not like it that he smokes, but I’m also not one to pass judgement on someone. We all have our vices, both good and bad. Nicotine is his vice.

“Need to finalize the house, too, but otherwise, yeah. Waiting on my old house to be officially sold.”

“You’re moving fast,” he remarks.

He’s not wrong. “Maybe I just needed a push to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.”

“Talking about moving home or finally admitting that you’re in love with Addy?”

My eyes look over his shoulder, not wanting him to see the truth that lies there. It’s a mistake, though, because what do my eyes land on? Her flower shop. The Village Florist. He looks behind him and follows my line of sight to where Addy steps outside to water some flowers that are in hanging pots on either side of their door.

“Yeah. I kind of figured as much. Maybe timing needed to be on your side.”

“My brother…”

“Chris would want you both to be happy, Beau. You know that. He would hate to be the reason you two are apart.”

I grab a quarter from my pocket and start flipping it through my fingers. “I don’t know.”

“I do.”

My head jerks in his direction. “What? How?”

“He told me,” he says, shrugging like it’s no big deal.

“Uh, I’m going to need a little more information here.”

“Remember last fall when we had that big company family picnic and I invited your entire family?”

Yes, I remember that. It was embarrassing as fuck. While most of the employees had their wives and kids with them, I had my mommy and daddy. And my two brothers. As well as Addy and Zoey. Though, to be fair, Grant also made it a surprise thirtieth birthday party for me.

It was also the day I almost got into a brawl with Derek, one of the employees, when he kept hitting on Addy. It wasn’t the first time I realized I loved her, but it was the first time I recognized how deeply in love with her I truly was. Until then, I thought maybe it was something I’d grow out of. Turns out, you don’t just grow out of love with someone.

I nod and he continues. “I had a long talk with your brother after you almost laid out Derek. He said you’d been an idiot for as long as he could remember, not seeing what was right in front of you. He told me then that he knew the only reason you and Addy hadn’t made it official was because of him. He hated it. Started bawling and shit. He was a mess, right there at the party. Had to get himself cleaned up to make himself presentable again. I felt awful for the poor kid, so distraught because his brother couldn’t pull his head out of his ass.”

My eyes widen and he busts out laughing, letting me know that he’s full of crap. I stop flipping the quarter and press a hand to my chest and blow out a breath. “You’re a jackass.”

“Wanted to make sure you were paying attention.” His tone changes to serious. “So maybe he didn’t cry but he did look upset by it. He would want you to be happy. Addy, too. And, if Addy’s happy, that helps Zoey to be happy.”

“What if she’s not in the same place I am?”

To that he laughs again, actually bends over and slaps his knee then grips my shoulder to maintain balance. “Oh, shit, man. That was a good one. I needed this laugh.”

“I’m serious!”

“I know you are,” he says, wiping away tears from his eyes. “That’s what makes it so damn funny.”

“Stop laughing at me!”

“Stop saying funny shit then,” he counters.

“Grant,” Copyright 2016 - 2024