One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,41

if he could see what I see, he wouldn’t be worried.”

The words gave Magnolia a start. She blinked. “You’re in our corner?” she squeaked.

A tender smile touched Lillian’s lips. “Yes, dear, I am. I know true love when I see it.” She laughed lightly. “Now, mind you, I’m not so daft as not to recognize that you might’ve initially gone into this for the money. However, that’s not the situation now. It’s not where you begin your journey, or even where you end up that matters. What counts the most is who you become along the way.” Lillian steeled her jaw, jiggling her loose skin. “For the record, I find the idea of you being forced to get married to receive your inheritance appalling.”

“Amen,” Lucas growled, shooting Magnolia a vindicated glance.

“I don’t know what Carol was thinking.” Lillian homed in on Magnolia. “Your grandmother was a complicated woman.”

“That’s one way to put it,” Magnolia snapped, bitterness rising in her throat.

Lillian tipped her head thoughtfully. “I have to believe that Carol felt that she was doing what was best to preserve her family. However, anytime a person tries to exert that much control over another …” She pushed her finger into the table. “Well, it never works out. One thing I do know is that love always finds a way.” She smiled. “The two of you are living proof of that.” She sighed. “Anyway, enough of that. I’m keeping you from eating. Your food is getting cold.”

Lucas released Magnolia’s hand as they started eating. The food was good, but it had gotten cold.

“About the ranch,” Lillian said as Lucas looked up from his food, giving her his full attention. “I spoke to Arthur Vinson, the seller, last night.” She finished off the last of her pancakes before wiping her mouth with the napkin and pushing her plate aside. “Arthur and his wife Vivian bought the ranch shortly after they were first married, fifty something years ago. They raised their four children there. Vivian died last year of cancer. The memories combined with the upkeep of the property have become too much for Arthur to handle. He wants to move to Colorado to live with one of his sons. The ranch has been on the market for six months. There was an offer on the table, but it fell through. Arthur is eager to sell. He mentioned that he might even consider financing it, especially if he could find a good person who appreciated and valued everything that he has built.” Lillian gave Lucas a pointed look. “Someone who could make a sizable contribution to the town of Remember.”

Lucas coughed, nearly choking on his food. “What type of contribution are you referring to?”

Lillian’s eyes zinged with a mild mischief. “The type of contribution you made when you jumped out of your truck and rushed to save me and Sam. This world needs more noble men like you.” Her eyes moved to Magnolia. “And women like you.” A knowing smile spread over her lips. “While Lucas rushed out to protect me and Sam, you rushed out to protect him.”

It was true. That’s exactly what Magnolia had done. She was shocked that Lillian had ascertained her intentions so accurately.

“It would be an honor and a privilege to have the two of you in Remember,” Lillian finished. “I’ll give you Arthur’s number so you can talk directly with him.”

“Thank you,” Lucas said sincerely. “After the wedding, Magnolia and I can swing back by here and speak to him.” He looked at Magnolia to get her approval. The hope shining on his face tugged at her heartstrings. She wanted the best for Lucas. Nothing would please her more than for him to have a ranch to call his own, a place where he could work his own land and be his own man. It was crazy how quickly the pieces were shifting into place. Maybe that’s how it worked when you finally found the right one.

“That would be great,” Magnolia said heartily. Remember would be an ideal place for her and Lucas to start their lives. Magnolia would have to get the internet figured out. She needed it for work. They’d had no cell service on that gravel road. She could only assume that service wasn’t much better a few miles away at the actual ranch. However, she felt sure that she could work something out. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

“It has certainly been a Christmas Eve to remember,” Lillian proclaimed. “I’ve made two Copyright 2016 - 2024