One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,42

new friends.” A smile graced her ruby lips. “Just remember, that I’m indebted to you both. If you need my help, all you need to do is ask.” Her voice quivered with fervency. “I mean that with all my heart.”

“Thank you,” Magnolia said with a deep appreciation. For all her eccentricity, Lillian Yates was a good person, a person whom Magnolia was glad to have in her and Lucas’s corner. And they certainly needed all the help they could get right now. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach. It was time for them to leave. Time for them to face her grandfather and Eric Stanford. Fear lodged a cold cylinder in her throat. The sense of impending doom caught her lungs in a tight squeeze. She took in a breath, forcing herself to relax. She had to think positively. She had to look past the next two days and keep her eyes fixed firmly on the future. It would be brighter than she could have ever imagined now that Lucas was by her side.

Lucas seemed to be reading her thoughts. He placed his napkin down and scooted back his chair. “We need to get on the road.”

Magnolia flashed a large smile at Lillian. “I’m so glad we met.”

“So am I.”

“We’ll stop by on our way back,” Magnolia promised.

Lillian nodded. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” She eyed them both. “Remember what I said, love will find a way.”

Her voice rang with so much authority that it helped restore a sense of calm to Magnolia. Love will find a way. Magnolia was determined to do everything in her power to make sure of it!


They made good time, thanks to the roads being plowed. Sunlight was finally dispelling the thick lid of clouds. Lucas glanced at Magnolia. They were almost to her grandfather’s estate. She’d been talkative when they left Remember, but for the last little while, she’d grown silent. Her expression was pinched, and she kept fidgeting with her hands. He wished he could tell her that everything would be all right, but the truth was, he wasn’t sure. From the conversation that Magnolia had with her grandfather the night before and from what Lillian said, it was painfully clear that Benjamin Bentley saw Lucas as an opportunist. What cut the most was that the assertion was partly true. Lucas was excited about owning a ranch, and he did want to pay off his parents’ mortgage. Did that make him a terrible person?

He was starting to care deeply for Magnolia. Today was Christmas Eve, that wretched day that he most dreaded all year long. Today, however, he’d hardly thought of Renee and her betrayal. His thoughts had been too consumed with Magnolia and all that they were facing. A part of him wished that they would just forget about the inheritance. He cleared his throat to get her attention. She turned, giving him a questioning look. “It’s not too late,” he joked, “to turn and run.”

The tiniest of smiles touched her lips. “Don’t tempt me. I can’t say I haven’t thought about it,” she responded dryly.

“Arthur Vinson told Lillian that he’d finance the ranch. We can turn around right this minute and go back to Remember. We’ll start from scratch, build our lives together on our own terms.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Just like that? We walk away?”

He squared his jaw, tightening his hold on the steering wheel. “You say the word, and we’ll do it.” He would do just that if Magnolia agreed. The guilt of this whole situation was starting to eat at Lucas. Now that he was having deep feelings for Magnolia, everything had changed. He didn’t want her to ever think that he was with her because of the money. And yet, how could she not?

A hoarse chuckle sounded in her throat. “It’s crazy how quickly everything changed in Remember.”

He smiled. “Yeah, but it did.” He reached for her hand, not surprised to find it ice cold. “What do you wanna do?” He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

She lifted her chin. “I wanna stay the course.” Fire encircled her voice. “I want to show my grandfather and Eric Stanford how great we are together. I want to claim my rightful inheritance.” A beautiful, determined smile flowed over her lips as her voice went silky soft. “I want to show them that love will find a way.”

He blinked. “Are you saying that you love me?”

She arched an eyebrow. “What if I did?” she taunted. “Would that scare you away? Copyright 2016 - 2024