One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,40

tender exchange of affection between his parents. That’s what she longed to have—the kind of family life that she’d never had. The fragrant scent of bacon tingled her senses. Breakfast was spread over an antique buffet. A large rectangular table sat prominently in the center of the room. It was surrounded by bevel glass windows with wreaths hanging on the outside, their red ribbons swaying gently. The snowy scene beyond the windows was breathtaking. Wow was the word that came to mind.

Lillian was sitting at one end of the table. When she saw them, a large smile tipped her bright red lips as she waved them over. “Good morning,” she said, her lively eyes sparkling behind her glasses. “How did you sleep?”

“Well,” Lucas replied easily as he rested his arm around Magnolia’s shoulders.

“Thank you for everything,” Magnolia added. “Staying here has been an unexpected blessing.” She looked at Lucas as they shared a smile.

“I’m so glad.” Lillian made a shooing motion with her hand. “Go and get some food.” She looked down at her plate. “The pancakes are delicious.”

Magnolia’s stomach rumbled as she looked at the stack of fluffy blueberry pancakes on Lillian’s plate, loaded with syrup and butter.

“I’m saving these two seats for you,” Lillian said.

A few minutes later, Magnolia and Lucas returned to the table with their plates. They sat down across from Lillian.

“Can you believe it’s Christmas Eve?” Lillian began in a wistful tone.

Magnolia had unrolled her silverware and was about to dig into her food. She paused, sensing that Lillian needed her and Lucas’s undivided attention. She glanced at Lucas and could tell from the set of his chin that he, too, realized that Lillian needed them to listen to her. “It does seem hard to believe,” Magnolia said. “The year has gone by fast.” So much had happened to Magnolia. She’d thought her life would take one direction and now, she was on a completely different path from what she’d planned—a much better course than she could’ve ever imagined.

A sentimental smile touched Lillian’s lips. “Christmas Eve was such a special time for me and my late husband, Howard. He would get me a dozen roses. We’d get dressed up and go out for a nice dinner. Afterwards, we’d stop by the church to watch the Christmas pageant.” A faraway look drifted into her eyes. “Then, we’d go home and dance.” Her eyes misted as she cleared her throat, offering an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I tend to wax nostalgic this time of the year. Howard and I met at this inn. We came here for years afterward. That’s why I bought it after he passed.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Magnolia said quietly.

Lillian waved a hand. “Losing Howard was tough.” Her gaze moved between Magnolia and Lucas, giving them pointed looks. “But I’ve come to realize that love is a gift. I was blessed to have Howard in my life. I was blessed to know what it is like to truly love and to be loved.”

Emotion rose in Magnolia’s throat as she swallowed. “It sounds like you were very blessed.” Lucas reached for her hand underneath the table and squeezed it. The gesture enfolded her in a soft, cushy blanket.

“There were many who didn’t think that Howard and I were a good fit. Howard was cultured, the epitome of class.” An astute smile curved Lillian’s lips. “Whereas, I’m just me.”

Magnolia grinned as she looked at the Christmas sweater Lillian wore. It was bold and a bit gaudy with the sequins and bows. Lillian had on candy cane earrings that matched her sweater.

“Many of Howard’s so-called friends didn’t consider me to be on the same social level as Howard.” Her eyes sparked. “Thankfully, Howard didn’t have a shallow bone in his body. He had the unique ability to look past the superficial to see the real treasure within.” Lillian looked at Magnolia as she spoke. Her words cut through Magnolia like a refiner’s fire.

“How much do you know of our situation?” Magnolia asked.

“I spoke to your grandfather this morning. He told me about your inheritance, and the conditions of the trust.”

Heat rushed to Magnolia’s face. Her hand felt slick in Lucas’s. She’d been expecting to get grilled when she arrived at her grandfather’s estate, but it was hard having it happen here—in this magical place where she and Lucas had come together in understanding.

“Your grandfather expressed concern that you might be marrying Lucas for the money.”

Magnolia looked at Lucas. His expression was stoically guarded.

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