One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,35

nod, Sam turned and strode out.

Lucas tipped his head. “Did you see the tree in the common area of the inn?”

“The massive one in the living room?” Magnolia had noticed it because it was so impressive with the red ribbon and gold decorations.

Lucas nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “I don’t think Lillian and Sam were out looking for a tree.”

“What do you think they were doing?” In the heat of the moment, Magnolia had been so worried about Lucas’s safety when facing down those delinquents that she hadn’t given much thought as to why Lillian and Sam were in that remote location. She had no reason not to take their statement at face value. Although, now that Lucas was raising questions, it did seem strange that Lillian would be outside with a walker—in her condition—looking for a tree to cut. Lillian had some sort of ailment that made it hard for her to get around.

“Those teenagers were looking for something.”

“What do you think it was?”

He shook his head. “I dunno, but I get the feeling that there’s more to Lillian and Sam than meets the eye.”

She nibbled on her lower lip. “Well, I guess we’ll never know the full story.” With any luck Lillian would make good on her promise to tell Magnolia’s grandfather about Lucas’s heroic actions. Magnolia could tell that her grandfather thought highly of Lillian Yates. Lillian didn’t seem like the type to run in her grandfather’s circles. She was much too gaudy and outlandish in her appearance, and her manner was too open and frank. Then again, the wealthy were very eccentric. Was Lillian wealthy? It was hard to say what she was. At any rate, it didn’t matter. Magnolia would be grateful for any help that Lillian could offer. She and Lucas needed a miracle. She realized Lucas was studying her. A smile tugged at her lips. “What?”

“I was just wondering what thoughts were circling around in your pretty little head?”

Her heart gushed at the compliment. “I’m just glad that you were there to save Lillian and Sam.”

A smile tipped his lips. “That we were there.”

Her heart beamed. “Yes, we.”


“What did you think of the play?” Magnolia stepped closer to Lucas. He slid his arm around her shoulders as she scooted into him.

“Well, as plays go, it wasn’t half bad.” Lucas could count on one hand the number of plays he’d attended. His last one was in junior high. His mom was volunteering at his school. She was a chaperone and insisted that if she had to attend the school play, then so did Lucas.

Laughter floated from Magnolia’s lips, coming out in a puff before dissipating into the cold night air. “Not bad? It was terrific … as wonderful as plays I’ve seen in New York. I could tell from the way Lillian was going on about the community playhouse that she’s super proud of it. Now, I know why.”

Lillian was waiting for them, already seated on the front row, when they arrived at the theater. She had on a snowman sweater that was complete with red bows and bells. She greeted Lucas and Magnolia like old friends, jabbering about the playhouse and how lucky the town of Remember was to have such talented people, not only to run the playhouse but also to perform. Lucas would have preferred to poke his eyeballs out with a dull fork rather than sit through the duration of a play. Yet, it had been enjoyable to see the excitement on Magnolia’s face as she watched it. Once, when she was startled by Marley’s ghost, she’d reached over and grabbed Lucas’s hand. The gesture jolted Lucas. Mostly, because he never would have thought that he and Magnolia would be a good fit. And yet, surprise, surprise, they were. Ever since Magnolia had reentered his life, it seemed that Lucas was having to rethink his stance on quite a few things.

Snow was still falling, encapsulating the world in a cocoon of stillness. They strolled past the shops on the square with their festive windows. The square was bustling with excitement from those who’d come to see the nativity. People were friendly, nodding and smiling at Lucas and Magnolia as they passed them on the sidewalk. In the background, Christmas carols were being sung by a choir of children, their youthful voices pouring gladness into the still air. Lucas felt an unexpected glimmer of hope. Normally, during this time of the year, he had to fight against the gloominess Copyright 2016 - 2024