One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,36

of his memories. Tonight, however, his heart felt light, a new scope of possibilities unfolding before him like the pages of a book that he never would’ve thought to select from the shelf.

Several times since they’d left the playhouse, Magnolia had stopped at a store window to look at the displays. They were headed to the live nativity beside the courthouse that sat prominently in the center section of the square. “This town is so quaint and picturesque. I feel like we’re in the middle of a snow globe,” Magnolia said with a touch of wonder in her voice.

“It’s certainly cold enough to be a snow globe,” Lucas joked.

She cut her eyes at him, her lips forming a pout. “Party pooper.”

He laughed, squeezing her shoulders. “Nah, I’m just more of a realist.” He appreciated how optimistic Magnolia was. She had a knack for taking pleasure in the moment. She was soaking in the experience of the live nativity celebration like it was a rare treasure. Her enthusiasm was infectious. Lucas liked seeing the world through Magnolia’s vivid, lively eyes. Also, it didn’t hurt that Magnolia looked terrific in her bright red coat, which accentuated her blonde locks.

The fragrant scent of cooking food wafting in the air caused his stomach to rumble.

“I heard that,” Magnolia chuckled. She motioned at a nearby food stand. “Let’s get something to eat before we go to the nativity.”

A few minutes later, they found a vacant bench where they commenced eating hamburgers, cheesy fries, and hot chocolate.

“You know,” Lucas mused. “I don’t think I’ve ever drank hot chocolate while eating a burger.”

Magnolia giggled. “Me either. It’s pretty good.”

“Yeah, not half bad.”

“There you go again with that not half bad lingo.” She shook her head, giving him an affectionate look. “Stick with me, Lucas Romeo, and you might just find yourself getting excited about life.”

He grinned. “Yeah, I just might.” Their eyes met. Lucas could see the adventure shining in Magnolia’s eyes. She was enamored with him, viewing him as her knight in shining armor, the one who was going to save the day. With her by his side, he felt like he could be her hero. Or maybe she was his hero. She was saving him from a life of cynicism and regret. Here, tonight, he was beginning to think that anything was possible.

After they’d eaten, they walked hand in hand to the nativity. A hush of reverence settled over the scene as they looked at the manger. Lucas was surprised to see an actual baby sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a thick woolen blanket. Mary had her hand on the manger, gazing down lovingly at the child. Joseph stood near Mary, keeping a careful watch over her and the baby. There were shepherds and several sheep. The three wisemen stood at a respectable distance, dressed in vibrantly colored robes. One was holding the reins of a donkey. The nativity looked remarkably authentic.

Magnolia’s expression was one of repose as she gazed at the scene. He traced the lines of her graceful features, marveling at how angelic she looked. Her nose and cheeks were pink from the cold, further enhancing her beauty. A whisper of peace spoke to Lucas’s soul. Knowledge poured into him from someplace else. He could build a life with Magnolia. They could grow together in love and understanding. She turned to him, her eyes glistening. “This is what I’ve been missing,” she said softly. “I’ve been so caught up in fulfilling the requirements of the trust that I haven’t even taken time to be still and simply enjoy the season. Clarity comes from recognizing the true meaning of Christmas.”

“Yes,” he answered, getting the distinct feeling that they were truly understanding one another.

At the designated time, Sam picked them up near the nativity to take them back to the inn. Lucas and Magnolia sat in the back of the car. Magnolia scooted close to Lucas. He reached for her hand, linking his fingers through hers. The evening had been imbued with such a magical quality that Lucas didn’t want it to end. On the one hand, he was ready to get to Asheville so he could get the initial meeting with Magnolia’s staunch grandfather and Eric Stanford over with. On the other hand, he wished he and Magnolia could stay here longer and savor the unique culture of Remember.

“Here we are,” Sam announced as they pulled into the inn. Lucas and Magnolia walked close together to ward off the cold. Snow was still falling. Magnolia Copyright 2016 - 2024