One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,34

grandfather and Eric Stanford.”

The sincerity of his tone struck a chord inside her. “Thank you,” she said hoarsely.

He brightened. “The good news is that once they sign off on your marriage, the deal with the trust fund will be done. Your grandfather and Eric Stanford will no longer be in our business. We just have to get through the next three days, and then we’ll be in the clear.”

Her feelings must’ve shown on her face.

“What?” Lucas asked with a note of wariness.

She grimaced. “I’m afraid there’s more to it than that.”

His brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“After our wedding, we’ll get the first installment. Every year on our anniversary, we’ll get another installment, providing that we adhere to the terms of the trust. We’ll continue this process for five years, until the money is paid in full.”

“Your grandfather has you on a short leash.” The resentment in his voice mirrored Magnolia’s own feelings.

“Yes, he does,” she grunted.

Several emotions that Magnolia couldn’t pinpoint pinged over his features before giving way to resolve. Lucas squeezed her hands. “We’ll get through this … together.”

She nodded.

His eyes locked with hers. “I mean it. We’re in this together. I promise. As long as you need me, I’ll be here.” He steeled his jaw, and she caught the ferocity in his voice.

His words were a healing balm to her soul. I’ll always need you, her heart replied. “Thank you,” she uttered. Suddenly a grain of truth penetrated to her core. For so long, she’d prayed for a solution to her dilemma about the trust fund and her marriage to Roman. It had bothered her that she wasn’t in love with Roman. She’d prayed that she would grow to love him. And then, when he betrayed her, everything came crashing down. Now, here she was with Lucas. Caring for him came as easily as breathing. It would be so effortless for her to fall head over heels in love with him. She’d never really fallen out of being enamored with him. He was her greatest crush. Her teenage heart had yearned for him. She laughed inwardly. It wasn’t just her teenage heart that had yearned for him. Her adult heart seemed to be following the same path. She wasn’t sure at this point if her infatuation with Lucas would be her deliverance or her undoing.

He stroked her jaw, his voice going deliciously husky. It titillated her senses, sending them swirling to an acute awareness. “You are so beautiful.”

She exulted with the knowledge that he was finally going to kiss her.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Seriously?” she muttered, gritting her teeth. “Another interruption?” It was like fate was deliberately toying with her.

Lucas grinned. His expression was boyishly cocky, like he was getting great delight out of knowing that she was aching to kiss him. “We’ll have plenty of time later to practice,” he winked. “Come in,” he called.

The door opened as Sam stepped in. When he saw them together on the couch, he cleared his throat, dipping his head slightly. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said cordially, “but Lillian thought you might be interested in attending a play.”

“What kind of play?” Magnolia asked.

“A Christmas Carol is being performed at our local playhouse.”

Lucas glanced out the window at the snow, frowning. “Are they still having it in this weather?”

“Of course,” Sam answered resolutely. “We get lots of snow in these parts. Life goes on.”

Magnolia looked at Lucas. “Would you like to see a play?” The horrified expression on his face answered her question. “Come on,” she urged, “it’ll be good to get a little culture infused in those rawhide bones.”

“Well, if you put it like that.” Lucas grinned broadly. “Sure, we’d love to go.”

“The seats are on the front row,” Sam continued.

“Thank you,” Magnolia said. “How much do we owe you?”

Sam looked surprised. “We wouldn’t dream of charging you for them. We are in your debt.”

“We’re glad we could help,” Lucas said casually. He gave Sam a shrewd look. “It’s a shame that you and Lillian weren’t able to get your tree. With it being so close to Christmas.”

Sam blinked a few times, his face gathering color. “It’s no problem.” He smoothed a hand over his tailored sweater. His posture was so erect that Magnolia could almost imagine that he had a board attached to his spine. He was so regal and elegant … almost too formal. “I’ll drive you to the theater. Meet me in the foyer in twenty minutes?”

“Will do,” Lucas said.

“Very well.” With a brief smile and Copyright 2016 - 2024